White Liberals More Likely To Have Mental Health Problems, Study Shows

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White liberals are significantly more likely than other groups to have a mental health condition, according to a Pew Research Center survey.

The Pew study, which The Washington Free Beacon notes was published last year but only gained attention in a recent article, showed that white liberals of all ages were more likely to be diagnosed with a mental health condition than moderates or conservatives, with the disparity particularly pronounced among those aged 18-29, according to Evie Magazine.

Among young white liberals, 46% reported being diagnosed with a mental health condition, a rate much higher than young white moderates (26%) and young white conservatives (21%).

Read more at NEWSMAX.



    • LOL, actually, likely to be diagnosed with DOES mean likely to have. It does not mean that they are more likely to develop it, rather they are more likely to “have received diagnosis for” it. Yea, the words “be diagnosed” can be tricky, context is your friend here.
      (note the end line about people who “reported BEING DIAGNOSED”).

  1. Anyone with half a functioning brain cell understands that “to each according to his needs and from each according to his ability” is just a manipulative mumbo-jumbo, since it’s never possible to satiate various desires of every individual human being and to defeat human laziness with mere slogans. Hence what it really means is that the bureaucrats will decide what your needs, and the bureaucrats will decide how much labor you must contribute, and the bureaucrats will use as much force as needed to make you comply; in other words – a glorified slavery system. Therefore, a socialist movement consists of those who understand the above, but preach the socialism anyway as a manipulation tool in order to gain power, and those who are dumb enough to believe the manipulation. In other words: the manipulative psychopaths and the useful idiots. The useful idiots are usually a vast majority of socialists not in leadership positions. In most cases it takes a psychiatric disorder to become an idiot (no matter how”useful”), hence such a great concentration of the useful-idiots is bound to have a great concentration of people suffering from mental disorders. If anything, 46% seems too low. And race has nothing to do with this. It is obvious that the non-white socialists are just as insane as the white ones are.

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