Whoopi Goldberg Suggests God Supports Abortion

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Whoopi Goldberg, co-host on the ABC show, “The View,” implied God is fine with abortion. Her comments came Wednesday on the show, where she serves as co-host.

“As you know, God doesn’t make mistakes,” Goldberg insisted. “God made us smart enough to know when it wasn’t going to work for us. That’s the beauty of giving us freedom of choice.”

Her remarks came during a clash with conservative Elisabeth Hasselbeck, a former co-host of the show, who was making a special appearance.

“I also know that God made me smart enough to know that if there are alternatives out there that can work for me, I will investigate them,” Goldberg said. “I also know God said, ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’ I will not make that decision for anybody.”

Hasselbeck replied: “What about the life in the womb? I will say this, that life has a plan and a purpose designed by God.”

© 2022 Newsmax


  1. In response to Whoopie Goldberg’s comments, a heavenly official told reporters that the latter “is not an official spokesperson for G-D” and “never was employed by the heavenly court.”
    “I can assure you that she speaks for her twisted self, and only for her twisted self, and not for G-D,” the heavenly official said. “It’s totally fake reporting from Goldberg who is pretending to speak on behalf of the almighty G-D. She never worked in heaven, and never will work here. Trust me on that one!”

  2. Truly, I don’t understand why you bring news from this lady.
    Who really cares what she says or doesn’t.
    You make her relevant.
    Bring news from intelligent people.

    • News is slow. They need to dig up some stuff from the dregs. But truthfully what’s the difference? All mainstream news is dregs.
      “Bring news from intelligent people.” Like who?

  3. as you say, G-d does not make mistakes so you will teach Him a lesson and erase whatever you deem is a mistaske. your own words shoe that the first part of what comes out of your mouth is that you are going to teach G-d how to behave. shame on you whoopi

  4. So the clown said so? Whoopee-do! By the same token, He must support murders, because the victims stay dead. She’s very krum, you know.

  5. The RBSO must support people who have limited character, intelligence, ethics, and morals. It’s so easy to drag your local deity into your basic conversations and due to his big shoulders be smug about it. The RBSO allows for true leaders to change society’s course and we don’t have any true leaders specifically from the media-crity.

  6. She also said the holocaust was not about racism…
    she probably is also of the opinion that the bank manager is ok with bank robberies.
    This type of drivel makes you give up hope on the media corporations. They’re officially off the deep end.

    • There was no Momma Goldberg. Her real name Carey Elaine Johnson.

      She is fake Jew a fake everything

      Why would Matzah bother with anything this Woke leftist has to say about anything.

  7. I once had someone of her color ask me why do I cover my hair. If God wanted it covered he would have made it covered.
    I asked her why she wears clothing. She wasn’t born like that.

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