WOKE WORLD: NJ District To Remove President Woodrow Wilson’s Name From High School Because He Was “Racist”

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A New Jersey school district is planning to rename one of its schools named after former President Woodrow Wilson due to what critics say is a legacy of racism, the NY Post reports.

The Camden school district will rename 90-year-old Woodrow Wilson High School after voting on the measure nearly 18 months ago, NJ.com reported.

The campaign for change began with a petition on Change.org in 2019 before gaining support last summer after George Floyd was murdered by Minneapolis police, spurring protests nationwide.

A 100-member renaming committee — composed of parents, activists and school officials — was formed last year to pick a new name. Some names that were considered included the late civil rights activist and US Rep. John Lewis, former President Barack Obama and a former superintendent who recently passed away, according to NJ.com. Other simpler names such as East High School and Camden East High School were also considered. Read more at the NY Post.



  1. Wait a minute! Wilson was a democrat. Only Republicans/Rino’s are racists. All Republicans are evil privileged white racists. Democrats are God’s gift to this world. This should not be done.

  2. i vote we should remove all Ford vehicles from any governments fleets because they bear the name of a rabid anti-Semite, Henry Ford.

  3. And after all the “offensive” statues will have been removed, and all the non-inclusive street names changed what shall be the new excuse for the violence, destruction, and general mayhem that the forever offended ones perpetrate upon this country?

  4. Wilson dragged America into WWI, imposed the Treaty of Versailles that led to WWII, and implemented the Federal Reserve System. For that you can take his name off the school.


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