Woman Suing Tucker Carlson….is a Jew

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Tucker Carlson is facing a lawsuit from his former head of booking, Abby Grossberg, who says she was subjected to a hostile and discriminatory work environment, DNYUZ reports. Ms. Grossberg, who was fired by Fox News shortly after she filed two lawsuits against the company in March, joined Mr. Carlson’s team in 2022 after several years as a senior producer for Maria Bartiromo, another Fox host.

Ms. Grossberg said in the lawsuit naming Mr. Carlson that male producers regularly used vulgarities to describe women and frequently made antisemitic jokes.

Ms. Grossberg said in her lawsuit that after she was coerced by Fox’s lawyers into providing a misleading deposition in a recent defamation case brought by Dominion Voting Systems and defending an offensive text from Mr. Carlson, his producers emailed the rest of the staff in recognition of “Abby Day” and suggested ordering a staff lunch to celebrate.

Fox has disputed Ms. Grossberg’s claims, and Mr. Carlson hasn’t said anything publicly about the case.


    • Whats your problem with her claims?
      Or are you just a Tucker Carlson Chossid?

      Like, The Tucker Carlson who is a paid actor, used to have a show on MSNBC, then played a fawning Trump lackey on fox, while privately discussing how much he cant stand Trump?

  1. Jack say it. The Fox News climate is like a strike zone for creative decency.

    This ebbs trickery to stand reasonably with no vulgarity.

  2. Please don’t post my comment. But why would you put such a headline up?? It without a question is headline that’s marbeh sinas yisroel. They hate us enough.

  3. Can we be a little more polite.
    As a matter of policy, Matzav should please use the word ‘Jewish’ instead of ‘a Jew’.
    ‘Woman Suing Tucker Carlson….is Jewish’ sounds much nicer and sensitive.

  4. Very confusing article. She herself is described as “senior producer”. Tucker Carlson, as far as I can find on the internet, is never described as a producer. Yet she sues Carlson because allegedly “male producers regularly used vulgarities to describe women and frequently made antisemitic jokes”.

  5. we are going to have reality with only one opinion TVs. Fox News was pro-Trump so must be destroyed. Especially before coming election. USA is like Soviet Union. We will see if the end of USA will be the same as SU was too. In both systems Jews were the main body so the end can be similar.

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