Women of the Wall and Cronies Create Havoc at Rosh Chodesh Davening at the Kosel

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Rosh Chodesh davening on Thursday again turned into a balagan thanks to the Women of the Wall.

They were joined by others who don’t usually daven at the Kosel but come to provoke and make a tumult.

Several chareidi youth tore the “siddurim” published by the Conservative movement and one allegedly blew his nose on a torn page of the Conservative “prayer book.”

The Women of the Wall held a prayer service at the main plaza at the Kosel, arriving with signs calling on incoming Prime Minister Yair Lapid to “Implement the Western Wall outline – immediately.”

Of course, the Women of the Wall claimed that the Western Wall Heritage Foundation “discriminated between those who entered the plaza and allowed the entry of chareidi worshipers over the entry of WoW members, while delaying the group for a long time.”

{Matzav.com Israel}


  1. Face it, the queer values are turning us away from Torah if we are not given gainful rabbis.

    No one rages worse than the toeivah in strike zone, but one should not engage them and tear their books.

    This is dry and no one likes it. We need laws and help.

  2. they dont come to daven, only to provoke. we should start to ignore them and let them ‘provoke’ all over the place. when no one pays attention, which is the only thing they want, they will cease because their goal will no longer be met as oit is, they are getting much too much attention

  3. So this is a case of misreporting by Matzav. The Women of the Wall try to create disturbances at the women’s section of the Kosel, for which they ought to be condemned. However, the conservative bar mitzva was going on far from our daavening places, at the agreed upon place designated for them where they were supposed to be. Disturbing them when they weren’t bothering anyone, and destroying the kid’s bar mitzva is a huge chillul Hashem. However wrong the Conservative movement is, using force and behaving despicably when they weren’t bothering anyone is unconscionable.

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