Woodmere: 15-Year-Old Girl Killed in Car Accident

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A 15-year-old girl, Leil Namdar a”h, was killed in a double car accident in Woodmere last night.

Police say that a Dodge Ram and an Audi SUV crashed on Edward Avenue and Peninsula Boulevard a little before 11 p.m. The Dodge had two passengers who are being treated for minor injuries. The Audi held 5 passengers, including Leil, who passed away shortly after the collision. The four other passengers are hospitalized, with one in critical condition.

Arlin Javier Aguilera, the driver of the Dodge, was placed into custody and will be arraigned later today.

All are asked to daven for a refuah sheleimah for Rochel Esther bas Tamar, Chana Elyana bas Naomi, Aliza bas Miriam, and Miriam bas Ina Pesa Yocheved.



  1. Arlin Javier Aguilera This heinous murderer must be administered the death penalty, and failing that, must get life behind bars without any possibility of ever getting paroled.

  2. BD”E. May all the rest have a refuah shliema bikarov mamesh!
    Unfortunately, this murderous Man will be out as a free man, later this evening, thanx to Kathy Hochul’s bail reform. Every member of the New York State Assembly and Senate have innocent blood on their hands. May Kathy Hochul have a quick and embarrassing downfall.

  3. In no way does this remove the onus from an criminal, irresponsible drunk driver with no regard for his life or the lives of others, but we must remember who is the Shaliach of this tragedy (which is is so difficult when they are a dear friend from our community), & grab as many mitzvot & chessed as we can like Liel’s family does. May H comfort effie & maya & their family & all those affected by this gut wrenching tragedy.


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