World War III Possible, Warns Fmr Trump National Security Adviser

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Retired Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster, the former national security adviser to ex-President Donald Trump, has cautioned that the United States, the United Kingdom, and other nations stand at the brink of World War III. McMaster, 61, proposed a significant increase in defense spending, suggesting that both Washington and London should allocate 4% of their gross domestic product to defense, double the existing NATO requirement. He particularly emphasized the importance of investing in missile defense systems similar to Israel’s Iron Dome to address escalating global tensions.

In an interview with LBC Radio’s Andrew Marr, McMaster highlighted the urgency of the situation, stating, “We could be on the cusp of another World War.” He stressed the need to take such warnings seriously to prevent a catastrophic outcome. McMaster underscored the importance of developing capabilities to counter hypersonic missiles, advocating for investments in surveillance and interception technologies to neutralize threats effectively.

Emphasizing the significance of prevention over confrontation, McMaster noted that the proposed increase in defense spending, while substantial, would still be below Cold War levels. He asserted, “It’s a heck of a lot cheaper to prevent a war than to have to fight.” McMaster pointed out the existing gaps in defense infrastructure and modernization efforts, urging proactive measures to address these shortcomings.

Discussing the potential return of Trump to office, McMaster expressed support for policies promoting burden-sharing among NATO members and solidarity with nations facing aggression, such as Ukraine. He acknowledged Trump’s emphasis on burden-sharing as a valid concern that Europe is now more receptive to. McMaster, however, criticized Trump’s diplomatic approach towards Russian President Vladimir Putin, describing it as naive and ineffective.

McMaster endorsed the idea of enhancing missile defense capabilities, suggesting that each nation should develop similar systems to counter long-range and hypersonic threats effectively.

“… And maybe Ronald Reagan had it right with Star Wars, with space-based capabilities as well,” he added.

Meanwhile, during a congressional hearing on Wednesday, John Plumb, assistant secretary of defense for space policy, disclosed that Russia is in the process of developing a nuclear anti-satellite capability.

“This capability could pose a threat to all satellites operated by countries and companies around the globe, as well as to the vital communications, scientific, meteorological, agricultural, commercial, and national security services we all depend upon,” Plumb said.



  1. Now that the brilliant McMaster called Trump’s diplomatic approach as naive and ineffective, he’s going to be called all kinds of vile and denigrating names. Kill the messenger for the delivery of a true and important message!

    • Nothing brilliant about McMaster if he hasn’t learned that President Trump who hasn’t got us into war the past 7 years – even though the Deep State were desperate for him to do so – will not do so now.

    • What evil Anthony Fauci & his numerous cronies did with fabricating the massive false Covid Scam-Demic was certainly spreading unnecessary panic and fear. However, what Lt. General McMaster is warning about — there certainly are a lot of exceedingly evil people in the western governments who certainly WOULD LIKE to start a World War III with Russia and are actively trying extremely hard to, Chas V’Shalom, provoke it into happening.

      We must most certainly immensely Thank HaKodesh Boruch for so far saving us from them and beg Him to continue to full protect us and bring us Moshiach Tzidkaynu and the Geula Sheleima B’Karov B’yamaynu!!

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