Yahadut Hatorah’s Gafni Says Will ‘Consider Options’ If Netanyahu Fails To Gather 61 Votes

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Moshe Gafni, head of Israel’s religious-right United Torah Judaism (UTJ) party, said on Saturday he would “consider options” should Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu fail to secure 61 mandates after the March 23 elections.

In his interview for Channel 12, Gafni said that the party would consider other ways before heading into the fifth elections in that scenario.

A fifth vote in two years of political deadlock would be a “disaster,” Gafni said, adding he was hoping this wouldn’t happen.

Gafni, a long-time Netanyahu ally, said that his movement aligned with the PM’s Likud party because it speaks to the “traditional” voters, while right-wing standing was not necessarily something he was looking at.

Read more at i24NEWS.



  1. So is Gafni saying that we should vote for Yahadut Hatorah because he will potentially align with the leftists, the same judenrat leftists who push toeiva, islamonazi terrorism, and all kinds of gezeiros against the frum society – just because they’ll promise a few extra shekels of the welfare payments?! It’s a wonder that any portion of the frum oilom votes for Gafni. By the way, I am not suggesting that Netanyahu is a real conservative and a real friend of the frum oilom, but at least we can survive with Netanyahu, very much unlike so with anything left of Likud.

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