Yated Columnist Goes After Consumerism, Meat Boards, Weddings in Dubai and More

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In this week’s Yated Ne’eman, writer Avrohom Birnbaum penned a sharp article titled” We Have Been Hijacked,” first addressing that fact that a “large percentage of our community of chareidim l’devar Hashem are prisoners…to our phones and devices. Nothing is sacrosanct, not davening, not learning, not talking to our spouses, not focusing on our own children.”

Rabbi Birnbaum then address “consumerism in our communities” that is “so powerful that if you would ask a child or a teen in today’s world what Chanukah is all about, he could not be blamed if he answered that it was all about gourmet donuts and meat boards!”

What we are seeing, says Rabbi Birnbaum, “is the legitimization of a lifestyle that is the antithesis of everything for which a Torah Yid stands.”

He asks, “A groaning meat board with more than ten cuts of succulent meat, highlighting the color, the ‘marbleizing,’ the oozing of gravy that would put the matamim that Eisav enjoyed to shame…is that shameless pursuit of one more fantasy to tickle one’s well developed palette not a nevalah? Why is that breach tolerated and lionized in some quarters of our community? It is obscene. There is no more charitable word that I can think of.”

These displays of unfettered pursuits of gashmiyus at a level of “sophistication” that would have been simply unheard of or even unthought of as recently as ten years ago, or even five years ago, are the new normal, he says. A teen today doesn’t even think of it is a “new” normal. It is just normal.

“Do we realize where we are? Where we are going? Ads for ‘encrusted’ and ‘infused’ cuts of meat and steaks that cost $40 and $50 a pound are in our publications. We are putting the Yevonim to shame. I am almost certain that even Antiochus couldn’t get his hands on a charcuterie that any bochur can get if he knows the right party to crash. Why are we not equally ekeled, or disgusted, by that shameless show of indulgence as we would be disgusted by, and would rightfully protest, reprehensible images? This is not a kedoshim tihiyu issue. It is far worse. It is a nevalah b’Yisroel, nothing less, and we have to say it the way it is. Again, I am speaking about the shameless way it is promoted, not about what meat one eats in the privacy of his home.”

Rabbi Birnbaum goes on to address one final issue: weddings in Dubai.

“These weddings are extremely upscale affairs featuring well-known singers, roshei yeshiva being mesader kiddushin, and every indulgence that you can’t even think of. Top it off with white-robed, kafia-wearing waiters obsequiously serving the Jewish masters of the affair… How do we unpack so much at once? Yes, it is wonderful that there is peace with more Arab countries, but rabbosai, are hotels in the Virgin Islands, the Swiss and Austrian Alps and the French Riviera not enough for us? Now we have an unending stream of visibly frum Yidden going to Dubai, Bahrain and who knows where else. Have we forgotten the pereh adamyado bakol…? Do we now have to add the threat of assimilation with Arab nations to the problems that we already have?”

“…These images of obsession with self-indulgence make their way around the groups, where it is even more normalized and it becomes less shocking for anyone who has a Yiddishe hergesh. Then it starts to show up on what are ostensibly ‘frum websites,’ and when they are even more normalized, they begin to appear in frum print publications. The more responsible frum print media outlets have a very difficult time maintaining standards, as the bar is collectively lowered and people get accustomed to the ‘new normal.’ What is the final stop? These items, whether they are bottles of wine worth hundreds of dollars or cuts of meat that until recently you never heard of, become so normalized that they end up being served at the parlor meeting for a mosad, while the speakers lecture about the beauty of hachzokas haTorah.”

How, Rabbi Birnbaum asks, are we supposed to bring up children who are ovdei Hashem in this environment when everything about it screams Yovon?

“We have been hijacked by a vocal, glossy, shameless minority.” He concludes, “It is time to fight back.”



  1. I get the technology comment. It’s really bad.

    About the meat though..I mean even the Torah says “B’Chol Avas Nafshecha Tochal Basar”

    • See R’ Tzadok Hakohen in Pri Tzadik as well as the Sfas Emes who both comment on the Pasuk you quoted. They point out that it says “Bchol avas NAFSHECHA” what does this have to do with the Nefesh?
      They explain that the Pasuk is permitting that which is needed for the needs of the soul; what is necessary for our survival and for our emotional equilibrium. It is not encouraging us to follow the Yetzer Hara’s dictum to ‘Dig in’.

  2. Kudos to R. Birnbaum for the great points he brings up. Regularly one of the most interesting and influential frum columnists, this time in particular he hit a grand slam.

    One quibble – I understood that a big factor in the Dubai weddings were extreme restrictions on them due to COVID-19 in Israel, which do not exist in such a draconian manner in Dubai.

  3. Dumb article. very Poorly written. If youre gonna take on a touchy subject at least make youre arguments intelligently and write coherently

  4. Well done, %1000000 correct, this culture of consumerism and decadence is antithesis to a Torah way of life. I wish I could write as eloquently as the author, kudos for saying the truth in the face of a society quickly forgetting what we’re really here for.

  5. Welcome to the new world order.
    BLM, Defund police, Antifa, election fraud, Israeli politics shinanigans are the 2020 realities.
    Beitar of old comes to my mind, where half of the city were still enjoying wedding festivities while the other half was being killed by the Romans.

  6. I usually find you posting very controversial editorials and don’t feel it’s ok for you to be posting conservative Rabbis and ridiculous Covid conspiracy theories . Rabbi Birnbaum on the other hand , is way more than credible .I stand strongly regarding the ridiculousness with the Dubai and Bahrain obsession .
    Pre that
    How about the Simchas Torah celebrations we pride ourselves with in certain congregations all over what’s app chats and websites . Putting the second wave aside , the gashmius and Viennese tables and candy stations and hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of liquor !!! Is that what Simchas Torah is about !
    Our society has gone mad !
    Our luxurious lifestyles are pure madness .
    Our sensitivity to luxury in our own daled Amos as opposed to in our Shuls , our weddings , our dinners , our exclusive dinners and weekends is GONE.
    What happened to והצנע לכת???!!!
    It’s not ok because we will THAN make a large donation to a Yeshuva , Rosh Hayeshiva , Rebbe, school or institution !!
    Our priorities are more than Disgusting!
    They are anti the core of our Yidishkeit !
    It is time to take stock of who we truly are !
    It Doesn’t matter how much money we have ; it’s how we BEHAVE with it !!!

  7. unfortunately I said this many years ago. our yiddish newspapers & magazines dont have the courage to say no to these shameless ads, why ,money talks.and then if u disagree with there opinion in yedeshkiet u r a” ” (shiegatz)!!!!

    • the problem is, that these publications dont equate these pictures and ads with pictures of women. i have no problem if they choose as a chareidi newspaper to exclude pictures of women for tznius reasons. just be consistent. some of the ads and pictures of these delicacies are PRUST!

  8. unfortunately I said this many years ago. our yiddish newspapers & magazines dont have the courage to say no to these shameless ads, why ,money talks.and then if u disagree with there opinion in yedeshkiet u r a” ” (shiegatz)!!!!

  9. I’m glad to hear Corona is a thing of the past. I’m happy to hear the economy is back. I’m happy to hear that there are no more availim in Kllal Yisroel. What really warms my heart, is to see that Kllal Yisroel really got the message of Corona and all its fall-out and are now davuk in HKB”H like never before.
    There has always been a disconnect between the have’s and the have-nots. The rich and famous can squirt reality and continue plowing forward with their luxurious lifestyle. There are no rules or restrictions. They don’t have to shtel tzu to any silly stupid takanos. All these rules and takanos are only meant for the poor shlepper peasants who are chareid al divar Hashem. There has always been 2 sets of rules. One for the ruling elite and one for the poor gullible hardworking peasants. The Rabbonim aught to keep that in mind when they come out with these Kol korei’s. Koheles teaches us that kesef yaane es hakol. Nothing new under the sun. Yawn.

    • dont forget when yeshivas make exceptions for rich kids who don’t belong in top tier yeshivas money talks! rules don’t exist if you can grease the right wheels

  10. Yes I saw this article written in the Yated Neeman Newspaper.

    There is not a bigger marketer of materialism and Gashmius then the Yated.

    Everything from luxury Pesach hotels to vacations to colored pictures of meat and bakery and other foods can all be found in the Yated Neeman.

    Is he going to not write there anymore , in protest?

    Alteh Bucher

    • I am not a knee-jerk defender of everything in the Yoseid, but I don’t believe what you say about it is correct. The ads in similar publications don’t differ so much, one from another. E.g. ads in one glossy high-end magazine are generally similar to those in its competitor(s), and ads in one Haredi newspaper are generally similar to those in its competitor(s).

      Thanks to the Yoseid for printing R. Birnbaum’s piece.

      I don’t think it is realistic and fair to expect them to refuse such ads unilaterally if their competitors are not.

  11. I too mourn the loss of “Heimish” and the need to make everything fancier, outstanding and over the top etc. From food to clothing and affairs, its gotten out of hand. I too blame the frum magazines with endorsing ads that make you ashamed of a simple lifestyle. We cant pay our Mechanchim but we need expensive everything else.

  12. “We have been hijacked by a vocal, glossy, shameless minority.” He concludes, “It is time to fight back.”

    Really now?

    I got Hijacked ?

    I made a wedding less then a year ago , and no one accused me of too much anything.

  13. Bottom line: if you’re from the ruling elite, these silly rules and kol korei’s don’t apply to you. The rich and famous askanim don’t have to shtel tzu to these worthless takanos. Even “dynamic” speakers are already being advertised as the “scholar in residence” in Dubai programs. So for the ruling elite, it’s off to the races. Do as I say, not as I do. What new taava, with the best hechsherim of course, can I partake of? It’s only those poor hardworking shlepper peasants that have to worry and aggravate over the latest takanos. Yeh, takeh. We’ll make the chassuna in our neighbors driveway, next to the smelly garbage cans, with exactly 10 men, social distanced of course. We’ll cancel the Shabbos sheva brachos and we’ll have a single drive by sheva brachos, with everyone waving from the car with their masks on, as they take their pre-packaged grab & go bagged meal.

  14. I believe this symptomatic of an “outlet” issue. Meaning, there is very little for someone who is chareidi to engage in that is outside of spiritual pursuits that is deemed “kosher.” Of course, ideally, a man should spend his extra time learning and performing mitzvos, but for some this is not realistic.
    Movies and Televisions aren’t appropriate- there’s very little to “stimulate” a chareid identifying person that has the “need” (whether real or imagined) to unwind, relax or otherwise engage in a distracting activity.
    I’m not talking about the fancy weddings in Dubai- that’s a choice of showing off money that those people are making poorly.
    I’m talking about the meat boards and being into food to such a crazy extent. I’m not giving a defense or a solution, just perhaps an explanation- it’s because frum people are bored (no pun intended) and this is a hobby of sorts that engage in that is still “kosher” by definition, even if not in spirit. And for the record, people were (somewhat) quietly indulging in these types of things for a number of years already. Companies just began to catch on and monetize what was already happening, which is the advertising you’re seeing.

    Also, to Rabbi Birnbaum, if rabbonim do start attacking such indulgences as “treif,” then what are people going to engage in? (Again, not c”v advocating doing anything other than learning and mitzvos, but you get the point)
    In other words, while the problem you’re pointing out may be legit, please don’t bring up issues without offering real solutions besides condemnation.

  15. I agree with the general premise of the article. However, specifically addressing the “matamim” – it does not say anywhere that Eisav enjoyed them. Just that Yitxchak aked Eisav to bring them to him so that he can enjoy his Seder.

  16. Spot on!
    BUT the issue starts with the very publications that publish and feature these very ads!

    You glorify a holiday in UAE, what can you expect…

    Please put your money where your mouth is and refuse these ads.

  17. Oy is he right, however the fact is this, if high profile people are flying to Dubai, that itself is the Hechsher, , if it’s good enough for them why can’t I?

  18. The problem in those segments of society does not lie in the things that Rabbi Birbnbaum speaks of themselves, those things are based on an underlying issue of many in society. And that thing is that people are measured by how much money they have. And the fact is that people are given kavod in direct proportion to how much money they have. And so all of these displays are for one purpose only, and that is for the person making the party to show how much money they have, which does in fact earn him kavod and respect. So as long as people will measure a person by how much money they have people will continue to make a show of how much money they have.

  19. He is talking to the wall. As long as the leaders go along with all this nonsense, nothing will change. As long as all these so called frum publications cater to their advertisers , how in the world do we expect anything to change? If we are bombarded with ads and articles about moguls with slick hair being featured on the front cover of these magazines, what is supposed to go through the minds of our youth? When the ehrliche G-D fearing Jews are sidelined and when the so called successful ( because they made a few dollars ) are propped up on pedestals , we have lost everything sacred and we are headed further down the toilet. I am just glad that I grew up in the years where I was able to witness true authentic torah Jewry. Today it is all superficial

  20. Thank u Rabbi Birnbaum!Once again you have “nailed it” in a way that places you at the ” top of the class” (by far! )in what passes today for chareidi journalism and commentary .
    We need to question the Rabbinical advisors of the various ” chareidi” papers/ magazines and urge them to meet together and formulate detailed proticols for what kinds of ads ,themes & accompanying pictures are acceptable / non acceptable in frum publications.
    Advertising bottles of wine for $100+ , wine and cheese tasting “parties” at Chelsa Piers( epicurean is apikorses), etc.The Baron , if there was one , must be turning over in his grave!
    Equally detremental are the shaytelach / wig ads that are so outlandish( even thier names!) .So long they can compete with kitchen mops and put the Rapunzel ” fairy tale “to shame!
    Thank u as well to Mrs Muller for her equally on target comment and for attaching her name to it( notice no first name!; tzenuah!)
    This problem a seemingless out of control driverless vehicle careening towards Gemorah is not only problematic in the area of crass consumerism , zoufing and fressfests, etc .; its equally (Torah)lawless and lacking hadracha/ direction / leadership in the area of ” politics”!
    Our charedi politicians on occassiin ( each and EVERYONE of them to a total ofTENS OF VOTES!!) Support pro abortion / preversion legislation and our askanim routinely tweet thier sychophantry / chanifa to/ & about other politicians some of whom literally ” proudly” identify with the Sodom/ Mabul agenda.
    May we express our tefilah that this coureagous anti Yovon/ Misyaven Chanuka article cast a Ruchniyus light on this Choeshech aspect of golus and become a catalyst for effectuating positive changes.
    It seems that we the hamon ahm of Bnei / Bnos Torah have to beseech our leaders to provide 24/7 in depth , precise Torah leadership /direction.
    35 years ago my mentor Rav Avigdor Miller ztl actually listened to my radio program and summoned me to compliment my approach.
    I received hadracha from him in these areas and continue to amplify his philosophy and those of other ” aynay haayda “of the past doros who guided/ encouraged me bksav & baal peh( see the biography of Rav Millet and his handwritten letter to Rav Elya Svei ztl re me in 1984 lemisporum) on my current program : levin @11 on thurs evenings on 620 wsnr radio in ny.
    Rabbi Birnbaum has given us much chizuk!

  21. No mistake, our stake in gashmiyus has become a stake in our hearts. This keeping up and surpassing the Schwarts has haskoma from the silence of the community leaders and spiritual leaders. The dive for change is an old joke that has become our reality, not a perception. Becoming a shomer Torah and Mitzvos through teshuva over 30 years ago, I was told I just didn’t grow up with the realities. Kiddush fressing, kiddush clubs, but no kidushah. You are what you demonstrate, talk is bovine scatology, that’s the real difference between ehrlich and F.R.U.M.

  22. He is really only talking about certain areas in the country.
    In smaller, out of town frum communities, for example, people don’t have many of these things.

  23. Thankfully we remove pictures of modestly dressed women for modesty reasons, and we replace them with pictures that advertise and encourage immodest conspicuous consumption, properly setting our communal priorities!!!

  24. Outlets : that’s another area that we need very qualified hadracha in!
    Our men should have outlets !
    Walking is a dignified outlet .
    Baseball could be an outlet as can Basketball, Football etc.
    We need Hadracha and we are not getting it .
    I believe “ competitiveness “ in all these activities is really the “root” of the problem .
    Do we play or engage because we need an outlet ? Or, Because we need to WIN?
    To WIN we need sports clothing …
    Nothing can weigh us down.
    Wick free and very revealing sports clothing .
    We need clear and targeted hadracha .

    Is it Ok outdoors ? Better in a gym ? Or none at all ?
    And than , what about the “ shtultz” some of it creates .
    Hmmm “ we look cool”..
    We look good …
    revealing … ehhh
    My hair… it’s going to weigh me down .. I can’t get to the finish line if it weighs me down. ( so it’s ok to remove it )
    I’m looking good..
    my hair is beginning to grey too
    It’s ok to dye it .. “everyone does “….
    Sheilas? Teshuvos ? Hadracha ?
    A prominent Rav in Europe was once presented with a Sheaila,
    His beard was half black and half white; can he dye the white half black?
    Answer : He can dye the Black half White !
    Enough said !


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