You Can Be The One To Rebuild Their Future

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With the backing of the Gedolei Torah, the Vaad Hatzalah for Ukrainian Jewry has taken up the cause of the Jewish communities scattered throughout Ukraine, in partnership with organizations across the globe, under the leadership of veteran rabbis, community leaders, and educators who have been active in the region for decades. 

The Vaad Hatzalah has been networking with various organizations involved with the kehillos in Ukraine. Many residents have, Baruch Hashem, managed to flee the warzone. However, there are still many who must be evacuated. In addition, thousands of refugees require food and basic necessities.

There is a desperate need for funds to help Ukrainian Jewry. The cost to evacuate each individual can be over $10,000. The costs for chartering buses has increased tenfold since the crisis began, and there are many other costs associated with helping people safely evacuate out of Ukraine.

After evacuation, the need only increases. Refugees have brought with them no more than what they could carry and are in urgent need of food and supplies, shelter, medical support, and help with their religious needs.

Please help us help them as we continue to daven to Hashem, and may we only hear good news.

Click HERE to donate! All donations are matched- every dollar counts!