Young Israel of Deerfield Beach Expresses “Disgust” Over “Rogue Minyan”

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  1. To have ten people in a store buying “essential” ice cream and dips is perfectly OK, but c”v to daven in a minyan? Give me a break. Give me a break.

  2. They act as if they own people telling them what they’re allowed to do on their own porches. This has NOTHING TO DO WITH HALACHA. Weee does it say in shulchan aruch how I’m allowed to daven on my driveway. They’re treating adults like babies and sheep and trying to to feel powerful. We aren’t dumb infants and we know how to keep distance. Just because some people dont shouldn’t limit me doing what I want on my porch.

  3. When they will show equal disgust for sofek giluy ariyus and avzarheu ill take them seriously.
    There shouldn’t have been a minyan but this letter goes a bit far.

  4. They are a little out of touch with reality, the corona danger has passed everything now is all political, backyard minyanim are taking place in lakewood and they are allowed by law so chill out, people want to get back to normal life they didnt do anything dangerous if this would have happened 2 moths ago then they have a right to post such a letter but now? no

  5. Agudath Israel set a policy about “rogue” minyanim? I did not see that in their guidelines. I believe their guidelines were how and when to open the shuls.

  6. Deerfield Beach is a senior community, whom we all are aware are highly vulnerable to the virus. These are not young people who have (based on statistics) lower chance of dying from COVID-19. Furthermore, these are senior fellows that are avoiding the epicenter of the virus at the tri-state locations.
    As the Rabbi said in the letter this is a matter of Sofek Pekuach Nefesh.
    Also this is not a location where every entity can create and form any group as they please (as NYC and everywhere else can). Rather the Home-Owners must abide by the local Homeowner Associations HOA rules and regulations as they set forth, who has given the Rabbi power to decide in this situation.
    Please stop the minyanim if you dont have local ability to do so.

    • There are TWO sides to every story and this letter shows only one side, and obviously written in anger and over the top. If you are interested in this situation then you have to ask questions:

      Was this minyan indoors or outdoors?
      Were the people involved standing near each other or at the appropriate social distance?
      Were they properly protected with masks?
      Why did they feel the need to make this minyan?
      Are they having any other social gatherings at this community or was this the only one?
      Is the Shul in charge of the entire community or just the members of the shul?
      Who wrote the letter the Rabbi or the Board?
      Did the entire Board approve this letter or was it one person who took it upon himself to speak for everyone?

      If you know anyone in this community call them and ask. I did. This letter is over the top and totally inappropriate. It has made a mountain over a mole hill and caused a HUMONGOUS Chilul Hashem since it has been sent around the world and posted on various websites without knowing the facts of the case. If the editors of these websites would investigate the facts, they would remove this post as to not embarrass this Rabbi and the community.

  7. Yasher koach to them!

    For those who don’t realize it, some areas/congregations are heavily composed of senior citizens, so extra vigilance is in order in such places. Although of course, all ages should exercise caution.

  8. Sounds like there was tension even before this situation. Maybe it’s an opportune time to start a break off Minyan. I wish them Hatzlacha.

    • Seems like you know NOTHING about YI of Deerfield. Its not another NY area where there is always tension everywhere.
      This YI is one Shul you can say: Never tension in this place – maybe once in ten years which they straighten out ASAP.


  9. What a disgusting letter would they write the same letter if one of the board members committed a crime against hashem or violated one of the 613 mitzvos.
    This is what bothers them? did they throw out all the shul members who went shopping in the stores and may have infected others?
    this is sick!

  10. I’m disgusted by their disgust and behavior. They can disagree respectfully. To excommunicate someone that you disagree with or are scared of is just so wrong.

  11. This belongs on the ______________ website. Matzav has been very good so far on not just reporting opinions of those who can’t stand how other people act. Especially on Lag Baomer, let’s unite even with our difference of opinions…

  12. The average age in Deerfield is probably 75 !!
    The rabbi has a right to say who comes into his Shul !!!
    It’s a private Shul !!!

  13. How about firing all that signed this letter. A backyard minyan in itself is not necessarily an infection center. Most sane backyard minyanim keep social distancing. Definitely safer than shopping in Target. Funny, we don’t see the same outrage when it comes to numerous violations of social distancing in “essential” liqueur stores and people hanging out with friends on Shabos. Whoever wrote and signed this letter is incapable of any kind of leadership position.

  14. understand both sides
    1. out of town kehilos are a small boats, that cannot afford waves , new york is ocean liner in comparison.
    2. whoever the rov is , big or small – has the final say , the idea of kol.. beaynuv yaseh…
    3. “beliefs”- thats what drives us – if they sincerly believe safek pikuach nefesh than nothing is too much
    the other side of the story;
    1. bh there are YI yiiden in florida that have a gaave dekedusha for tefila
    2. bechol dor vador , yidden were always punished for doing mitzvos & many times from within
    3. beliefs-they believe as many that the ruv is sticking NOT to his guns , but rather to the guns the board members have put to the ravs head , a major rav in an aguda flatbush who is also a rosh yeshiva in a big makom … and had a minyan in his backyard … said to a close colleague in all my life i never got such heat from people that consider me their rov, posek, balei batim in my shiur ” pnei hador kepnei hakelev- it looks like the dog leads but really its the guy behind him holding the leash – ayin mahrahsa

  15. It doesn’t matter if the letter writers are right or wrong. A community has rabbonim. Those rabbooim were appointed by representatives of the community. As such, they have authority. If you reject the authority of the rabbonim, then you are joining the ancient tradition of Korach, and Dasan and Aviram, and the Biryonim in Yerushalayim. Nu, every family has its own special mesorah.

    • Just to be clear, the Rabbi is NOT the Rabbi of the community he is the Rabbi of the Young Israel right outside the community and is a member of the community.

      Furthermore, the community itself had already opened the “pool” and allows 34 people into the pool at one time, per hour with 15 minute intervals for sanitizing between swim sessions.

      In addition, there was an aseifa for Yom Haatzmaut, Israel Independence Day and Kiddushim, in the community with no response from the Rabbi or the Board of the Shul. There are many things that have not been addressed. But a minyan of 10-12 men on their porches, safely distanced, wearing masks so that someone who desperately wanted to say Kadish has been blown up into a world wide chilul Hashem without thinking it through to the point where the Man who gives the Daf Yomi Shiur is banned to do so. Who will suffer him or all those who want to learn Daf Yomi?

      Each member pays a membership fee to the Shul. This is not a school and these people are NOT children. They can’t be suspended or punished in this way. They are grown ups, and it is obviously egos at play here that acted in anger and without thinking.

      As I said before, it is best if the entire thread be removed to minimize embarrassment to the Rabbi and the entire kehillah as each member of the community has their own individual Posek and most maintain other residents not only the apartment in Century Village, and with any Century Village many of the community members are Rabbonim themselves who were NOT consulted whether such a letter was appropriate or not. Most communities have a Vaad HaRabonim and it would be advisable at this time if they took a good hard look at such an option as well.

  16. The Rav of a community has a right to issue a Psak and it is incumbent upon the members of the community to listen whether they agree or not. Unfortuntely in todays society everyone is smarter than the Rav and there is no Kovod. Niduy is a Halachically sound course in this situation in that community

  17. What people fail to understand in this case is that this YI Shul is in a senior citizen community where 99% of the people are over 65 and or have other issues that would probably kill them if they were to be exposed to Covid-19. If the Shul Board and the Rabbi agree that there should be no Minyanim anywhere in the gated community, what gives these people the right to make their own Minyan? What if someone at that Minyan was a carrier and exposed everyone else there? Here in Florida, the cases are still increasing as are the deaths. When the Shul Rov Paskens that there will be no Minyanim because of Suffak Pikuach Nefesh, that is the decision that the community must follow. The Shul is 1000% correct in their decision and correct to publicize it so it doesn’t happen again.

  18. All right of the sudden a young Israel Rabbi becomes such a fanatic! Give me a break. They act as if it’s from the Hummel Chamorros to daven with a minyin. Don’t quote Aguda. Aguda only said that we’re not able to open shuls yet and issued guidelines for future when that happens. Rabbis don’t own people. It’s not just in this Community. The last few months Rabbi im community. The last few months Rabonim are issuing ‘psak din’ about how/of/when ect. it’s ‘permitted’ to daven. Porch, driveway ect.. pls show me anywhere in Halacha that talks about if and when it’s permittec to daven with a porch minyin during a virus!! They’re Unfortunately under the illusion that they can control every aspect of everybody’s life. Many people I spoke to feel the same. do they really think They have control to dictate every action that we do on our porches and blame it on Halacha? They have control to dictate every action that we do on our porches and blame it on Halacha? Enough already!. We’re not children. This should depend on commonsense. Enough already!. We’re not children. This should depend on commonsense. Leyman generally have just as good Commonsense as commonsense as rabbis. Even the doctors have gone too even the doctors have gone too far and are guilty of the same. we respect them for medical advice when it’s medical advice. Controlling how we live on our porch ect.. isn’t medical advice, it’s misguided control of people . We aren’t stupid and stop with ur letters.

  19. These draconian measures to prevent minyanim is causing loshon hora, machlokes and sinas chinam. In my neighborhood, my husband was falsely accused by a fellow Jew of making a minyan in our backyard. We found out on a motzi shabbos from a phone call made to us by one of the rabbis in our community. We were shocked that this person that accused us didn’t even have the decency to ask us before he sent out an email (my husband’s name was not mentioned, but somehow my husband was made the culprit) to all our neighbors. We felt hurt and betrayed.

    These harsh measures of Rabbis refusing Jews to daven in a minyan even with the proper guidelines is causing yidden to rat out on each other. It is causing so much pain and sinas chinam. This has to stop! Is this the behavior the Almighty wants from us?

  20. All member of the minyan were over 65 and were there for the last three month. This has nothing to do with breaking the law is all about control and politics. I personally believe that Rabbi Edelman didn’t write this letter but was forced because because of internal politics.
    These same people go to The Grove/Target/Walmart/Publix/Winne Dixie/ etc…. nothing working with the minyan.
    Who is going to give the Daf Hayomi Shuir now on the phone?

    • The letter sounds like it’s written by a control freak on steroids. I can hear the outraged person now, with a German accent, “You vill obey us or you will zuffer ze conseqvences, Juden!”

      Gee, are the participants in the “rogue” minyan now barred from life from this shul? I guess the shul board never heard of “tshuva”. Do members who speed, or who drive in general even though they’re 90 years old and can’t see, get the same treatment? Those members create סכנת נפשות ודאי, they too should be put in herem. The behavior here merely creates ספק סכנת נפשות.

      Also, were the participants young or old? If they’re all old, and they know the risks, who are the letter writers to tell them what to do? Maybe they don’t care if they get sick.

    • Who is going to give the Daf Hayomi Shuir now on the phone?

      Doesn’t matter. As long as we show ’em! We will embrace all sorts of deviants. They are welcome at Deerfield YI. They will get kibbudim and be invited to give a ‘shiur’ about being a perverted deviant.

  21. You can only imagine what they would do to a mechalel Shabbos. Prob they would even scream Shabbos at him…


  23. Comments above disparaging the shul board are totally rediculous! If people make a minyan when all Rabbonim/Gedoilei Yisroel/health ministries have said it’s pikuach nefesh, how dare they take the law into their own hands and form minyonnim!! They are endangering other people and as such have a din of a rodef! And yes, it is worse than shopping in a supermarket!
    This is being frum on yenem’s cheshbon. And that is not frum, it is krum!!! Well done to the board of the shul for sticking to what is right!!

    • Please explain in a logical calm way how going into a supermarket is in anyway safer than davening in a backyard where every one is 6 feet away from the next person?

  24. Here in Boro park we see the truth. Those that died were labeled corona but really they died of old age. No one died from attending a minyan. They could of died from talking on shul but not davening. This is the facts on the ground here in Brooklyn.

  25. It is so wonderful to read idiotic comments from people who:
    1. Do not know anything about this Shul and where it is located.
    2. Do not know the demographics of the Shul membership.
    Before you post your own “Pasak Halacah” you should take a minute and do some research on the above 2 points. It should then become very clear why Rav Edelman Paskened as he did. In a community with one Shul and one Rov that is called Daas Torah and everyone living there is obligated to follow his Pasak.

  26. Many are missing an important point in the letter where the morah Dasra mentions specific medical guidance by Rabbi Dr. Aron Glatt, A rov and epidemiologist in Nassau County (head of infectious diseases at one of the hospitals) who has been against porch and backyard minyanim.

  27. After reading the comments the only words i can think of are וַיְהִ֗י בִּימֵי֙ שְׁפֹ֣ט הַשֹּֽׁפְטִ֔ים

  28. Put the rogue minyan in cherem!
    It’s about time we brought back cherem for people who flagrantly go against the psak of the community’s rabbis!!!!

    • Dear 8:23am, please explain in a calm way how shopping in a crowded liquor store is okay, while davening outside with all mispalelim over 6 feet apart is verboten?! Cat got your tongue? Disinfect yourself by an internal application of Clorox bleach, you dumbo!

  29. you are all not being told the entire story. The Rav of the shul had heard that such a minyan was going to take place BEFORE they actually had the Minyan. The Rav then sent out a call to all members to not parake in any such minyanim. AGAIN, ON FRIDAY THE RAV SENT OUT A CALL TELLING EVERYONE NOT TO PARTAKE IN SUCH A MINYAN. The people then decided to go ahead with the minyan regardless. THEN, the letter was sent out to the shul. Not saying I agree with the letter but it sheds a new light on the situation

    • The person who asked for the minyan and wanted to say Kadish, is NOT on the Rabbi’s Robocall list. Just saying you need to know all the facts.

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