Rav Wosner: Standing Up For The Wife Of A Talmid Chochom

There is a mitzva to stand up for a Talmid Chochom. Chazal tell us that Eishes Chaver KiChaver, the wife of a talmid chochom...

Business Halacha: Posting a Fictitious “Rate this Seller”

Question: Can I post a fictitious "rate this seller" review on Amazon.com, applauding my own company or discrediting my competitor's? Answer: Posting a fictitious comment...

Is a Bracha Recited In a Situation of Sfek Sfeika?

By Rabbi Avrohom Dovid Waxman The proper fulfillment of the mitzvah of Sefiras Haomer requires counting the forty-nine days and seven weeks from macharas haPesach...

Rivevos Ephraim: Too Busy To Daven Mincha

If you forget b'ones to daven Mincha you may daven Shmoneh Esrei by Maariv twice. Rav Ephraim Greenblatt in Rivevos Ephraim (1:166) says...

What Is The Halachic View Of Banning Immigrants from Entering a Country?

By Rav Yosef Greenwald Introduction If we look at the current political climate in the United States, it seems that there is a large divide between the...

Growing in Emunah – Facing the Greatest Challenges

By Rabbi Yechezkel Spanglet                                                                                    Today, we will discuss some of the most challenging yesurim. We hope that some of the information conveyed here will...

Borer Applications – Preparing Salads

People are sometimes unaware of the requirement of M'yad (Immediate Use) when peeling fruits, vegetables or eggs for a salad. For example, when preparing...

Chief Rabbis: Stealing Daled Minim is Forbidden

A number of neighborhood publications in Israel Yerushalayim and elsewhere recent republished a psak released three years ago by the Chief Rabbis of Israel,...

Audio: Rav Shurkin On Tzitzis

The following shiur, on tzitzis, was delivered on  Sunday morning at Bais Medrash Kol Yehuda-Brook Hill Ashkenaz Shul in Lakewood, NJ. The shiur was...

Sukkah 11: Using an Esrog as a Sukkah Decoration

Rabbi Mordechai Koster is presently a member of the kollel at Bais Medresh Govoha in Lakewood, NJ, where he received semichah. He has...

Parshas Shemos: Understanding Shnayim Mikra V’Echad Targum

By Rabbi Yehuda Spitz There is a well known Gemara in Brachos that states "A person should always complete his with the congregation -...

Yevamos 58: Willful Indifference

Rabbi Mordechai Koster is presently a member of the kollel at Bais Medrash Govoha in Lakewood, NJ, where he receivedsemichah. He has written several seforim...

Yoma 61: Repeating the “Make-Up” Shemoneh Esrei

Rabbi Mordechai Koster is presently a member of the kollel at Bais Medresh Govoha in Lakewood, NJ, where he received semichah. He has...

Yom Kippur in 60 Minutes or Less

Beginning Rosh Chodesh Elul, our focus turns to repentance. Every morning, at the conclusion of Shacharis, we recite "L'Dovid Hashem Ori," which contains...

Business Halacha: My Loan to My Neighbor Who Can’t Pay Me Back

Question: I lent my neighbor money. He (honestly) does not have money to pay, but has a house, a car, furniture and clothing. Is...

Quicken Loans and Halacha

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for the Five Towns Jewish Times At the behest of leading Poskim who reached out to the Five Towns Jewish Times,...

Halachos of Netilas Yodayim

1)When washing for Netilas Yadayim, the hands must be washed with the "force of a person" (in Halachic terms known as "Koach Gavra"). In...

Halachos of Purim

There are special readings from the Torah and Prophets on four Sabbaths between the one on or preceding the New Moon of (the second)...

Snow in Your Purim Forecast? Star-K Provides Mishloach Manos Guidelines

By Margie Pensak Star-K Kosher Certification website's tag line reads, "Kosher--It's Just Not About Milk and Meat."True to its word, the non-profit agency's latest non-food...

Cooking for a Slave on Yom Tov

By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld We learn that one is not allowed to cook food on Yom Tov for a non-Jew in Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim,...

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