US Ambassador: Iran Failed to Declare All Chemical Weapons to Global Agency

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Iran has not declared all its chemical weapons capabilities to the global chemical weapons agency in The Hague, in violation of an international non-proliferation convention, the US ambassador to the organization said on Thursday.

Ambassador Kenneth Ward told a meeting of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) that Iran had failed to report a production facility for the filling of aerial bombs and maintains a program to obtain banned toxic munitions.

There was no immediate Iranian reaction to the remarks.

“The United States has had longstanding concerns that Iran maintains a chemical weapons program that it has failed to declare to the OPCW,” Ward said at an OPCW conference.

“The United States is also concerned that Iran is also pursuing central nervous system-acting chemicals for offensive purposes,” he stated.

Iran failed to declare the transfer of chemical weapons to Libya in the 1980s, even after Libya declared them to the OPCW in 2011, he said.

Ward cited the discovery of chemical-filled artillery projectiles, mortars, and aerial bombs of Iranian origin as proof that Iran did not fully disclose its capabilities.

Reuters and Algemeiner Staff



    • Are you out of your mind!!??? I would think this would be funny sarcasm, but the delivery wasn’t funny. So are you nuts, or just laid a flat joke?


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