Watch: Miller: Syria Strike Restores ‘Red Line’ On Chemical Weapons

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Pulitzer Prize-winning author and journalist Judy Miller praises President Trump’s decision to retaliate against the Assad regime’s chemical weapons attack in Syria.




  1. Mr trump if u care about those Syrian babies so much then you would allow All of them to come over to the USA not a muslin ban and keep them in harms way!! Mr trump u should examine your values and bring every Beutiful Syria baby to New York now.

    • Shira, if you like the islamonazis so much, why don’t you move to an islamonazi state of your choice?! You hypocritical fascist liberal.

  2. Mr trump if u care about those Syrian babies so much then you would allow All of them to come over to the USA not a muslin ban and keep them in harms way!! Mr trump u should examine your values and bring every Beutiful Syria baby to New York now.


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