Incredible. He had such Siyata Dishmaya. Like one of his sons said by the Levayah ” Don’t be a Bal Choiv” It’s so heartwarming to see how Makir Toiv we all are. Thank you Hashem for placing Rav Meir Zlotowitz in or generation.
Thank you Matzav for giving us this video. I watched it with joy and humility this morning. His soul truly deserves all the praise, merits and blessings it is receiving ! Baruch HaShem.
יהא זכרו ברוך
Thanks to Artscroll
Incredible. He had such Siyata Dishmaya. Like one of his sons said by the Levayah ” Don’t be a Bal Choiv” It’s so heartwarming to see how Makir Toiv we all are. Thank you Hashem for placing Rav Meir Zlotowitz in or generation.
Thank you Matzav for giving us this video. I watched it with joy and humility this morning. His soul truly deserves all the praise, merits and blessings it is receiving ! Baruch HaShem.