100,000 New Types Of Viruses

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In groundbreaking research, Tel Aviv University scientists discovered 100,000 new types of RNA viruses — a nine-fold increase in the number known until now.

The study used computer technology to mine genetic information from thousands of samples taken from oceans, soil, sewage, geysers, and suchlike, as well as studying how the viruses adapt to their hosts.

The researchers discovered viruses suspected of infecting disease microorganisms, opening the possibility of using viruses to combat infection. This may help scientists develop anti-microbial drugs and protect against agriculturally harmful fungi and parasites.

Viruses are among the simplest forms of life and can only multiply by taking over the DNA of other organisms.



  1. Tel Aviv University scientists discovered 100,000 new types of RNA viruses… opening the possibility of using viruses to combat infection…
    “The good news is we discovered 100,000 new viruses that can be used in the future to combat infections,” said one of the researchers involved in the study. “The bad news is we would have to administer 100,000 vaccines to every individual in the world to protect them from 100,000 different kinds of infection. And I’m not sure the citizens of the world are willing to commit 95% of their allotted time on this planet to receive all these wonderful vaccines.”

    • “This may help scientists develop anti-microbial drugs and protect against agriculturally harmful fungi and parasites” I don’t see vaccines mentioned here.

  2. Yipol M’Tzidcha Elef, U’Rivavah M’yiminekah.

    In the name of the G”ra – A person has a thousand MAZIKIM on his Right & ten Thousand on his left !

    • Please explain to the ignorant public how a vaccine a human receives effects the production of viruses in Ocean water, soil, geysers, etc. Besides, it is much more likely that it is the technology mentioned that permitted / facilitated their discovery, not their being miraculously newly created in the past two years.

  3. Governments Control the “Studies”. Scientists produce the “study” governments want. If the information is different than their narrative, they won’t get published.

  4. In 1900, a man named Wilhelm Reich invented a way to cure cancer, heart disease, arthritis, and thousands of other ailments, within a few 15-minute sessions of sitting in the box above.

    How was this possible? The ‘box’ is a carefully crafted ‘orgone accumulator’ which concentrates the orgone energy or life energy “Chi / Prana”, and this has an incredible effect on patients.

    The FDA banned Wilhelm’s inventions and sentenced him to prison where he died in 1957.


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