As Bobov starts the construction of its new Cheder building on the lot between 36th and 37th Streets off 14th Ave, the Kehila will celebrate a hanuchas even hapina where the Rebbe Shlit”a will lay the first stone of the building.
A project costing an estimated $125 million, the Kehila is building two new large buildings to house Yeshiva Bnei Zion for the boys, and another building at 14th Avenue and 51st street for Bnos Zion, the girls school.
The buildings, each expected to be multiple stories high, will house many of the ages that are splintered now across multiple buildings throughout Boro Park.
The celebration will take place on Sunday, April 11th, at the lot of the new Yeshiva building on 37th street, where thousands are expected to attend and celebrate the beginning of a new chapter for the community.
48 or 45 ??? inquiring minds want to know !!