Watch: Nancy Pelosi Put On the Spot by Chris Wallace on FNS, Tries to Weasel Out

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Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi joins Chris Wallace on ‘Fox News Sunday.’



  1. Shes an evil woman but does a good job
    Deflecting ,also going unchallenged by host
    So there it is Trump will lose She does not come off bad to people that do not think

  2. People commenting about her as if she’s still around. When will people wake up and notice that this woman does not look like the original Pelosi and is nothing but an actor to keep the calm? Can’t you tell the difference? Doesn’t she appear about 20 years younger than the real Pelosi? Aren’t her facial features different?

  3. She’s pure evil. I’m prayerful that she dies a terribly painful death soon. Since I use the word prayerful, I’m sure Pelosi supporters would agree that what I wrote is not inappropriate or hateful — that’s how she gets away with her partisan and hateful statements.

  4. does she even hear what she is saying? she trips over her own words and keeps on repeating herself. i’m not the biggest fan of speaker pelosi to say the least, but the pishing contest between her and the president needs to stop already!!


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