Watch: NYC Mayor-Elect Eric Adams Lavishes Praise On ‘Well-Rounded, Quality’ Yeshiva Education

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Hizonner likes what he sees.

Yesterday, at a press conference, New York City Mayor Eric Adams lavished praise on education in NYC yeshivos.

“I visited several yeshivos during the campaign, and what I know is that those who are there teaching the students – the literature that I looked at – is supportive of a well rounded quality education that we want to encourage.”



  1. I don’t trust this guy. He’s pandering to the Jewish vote that went for him (unfortunately) – “fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.”

  2. Let’s see whether his actual policies will follow his words. More often than not, our politicians say one thing, and do exactly the opposite.
    Does anyone recall the Dinkins fellow, who promised in his inaugural address to be “the toughest mayor on crime that this city ever saw”? How well did that work out?


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