I agree that De Blasio was a disaster of a mayor, and that the city has sunk to one of its lowest levels, ever.
Yet, before celebrating his departure, wait to see how the new mayor acts, and which concrete changes will be implemented. With liberals, BLM, and the lowest elements of society running the show, will Mr. Adams have the power to change anything for the better, even if he tries doing his best?
Good riddance once and for all.
Thank G-d the day has arrived where the worst Mayor in the city’s history is riding into the sunset.
He leaves behind a terrible mess for Adams to clean up.
Good riddance. Don’t let the door hit you in the….
Good riddance!!
I agree that De Blasio was a disaster of a mayor, and that the city has sunk to one of its lowest levels, ever.
Yet, before celebrating his departure, wait to see how the new mayor acts, and which concrete changes will be implemented. With liberals, BLM, and the lowest elements of society running the show, will Mr. Adams have the power to change anything for the better, even if he tries doing his best?
The man is delusional. He should seek immediate help. Maybe it’s that wife of his. Who knows?