5 Things That Happen When You Commit to 30 Days of Yoga

Sunset with yoga sign and women exercising.
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According to experts, committing to an exercise routine for just 30 days can help build positive health habits. With today’s rushed schedules, it’s hard to stick with an exercise routine for 30 days. Most of us get caught up with work, fatigue, or other responsibilities. Evidence suggests that 30 days of regular yoga practice can make a difference in physical fitness, balance, and stress levels.

If you’re interested in seeing what a month of yoga exercises could do for you, check out these 5 things that happen when you commit to 30 days of yoga.

1. You’ll Feel More Flexible

One of the first benefits that you will experience during your month of doing yoga exercises is increased flexibility.

Our modern lifestyle means that most of us spend hours hunched over computers or phones. We end up with stiff necks, achy shoulders, or sore backs. Stiffness can increase as we get older if we don’t practice mindful stretching. Stiffness can cause joints and muscles to become less usable, making us more susceptible to falls or injuries.

Practicing yoga even for 30 days will help offset our daily lifestyles and give you an increased range of motion. 

At the end of 30 days, you will likely be able to measure your progress by how much more flexible your body feels. You might be able to touch your toes, bend easier, pick up objects with greater ease, or even put your head between your knees.

2. Your Body Weight Changes

You’ll probably notice the biggest change in your body weight after you complete your 30-day yoga challenge.

If you decide to practice hot yoga, you’ll find that the combination of heat, exercise, and perspiration can jumpstart your metabolism in a significant way. An Ashtanga or Vinyasa flow also offers a more intense exercise experience.

Even with slower and more relaxing types such as Hatha yoga, you’ll find that your digestion works better and your muscles grow stronger, and more toned which can lead to weight loss or reduced fat accumulation.

Keep in mind that your eating habits also play a role in how your body responds to daily yoga practice. For instance, if you eat fast food or processed meals, you might not see the results that you want. Instead, choose fresh fruits, vegetables, healthy sources of fiber such as oats or quinoa, and lean protein like chicken, turkey, or fish.

3. Your Breathing May Improve

Everyone experiences stress at one time or another. It might surprise you to learn that most of us never learn to breathe properly. We tend to hold our breath or breathe shallowly. This increases oxidization in the body which leads to high cortisol levels, premature aging, and disease.

Check out free videos on YouTube or pick up a class online or at your local yoga studio to start aligning your breathing with your yogic practice.

Even just doing a few poses a day can help your lungs, brain, and heart. You’ll find that poses like Downward-facing Dog and Child’s Pose are beneficial for lowering stress levels, oxygenating your blood, and improving circulation.

4. You’ll Have Better Self-Consciousness

One reason why many people practice yoga is that mindfulness helps with letting go of negative self-images that cause unhappiness and stress in our daily lives.

When you’re centering your breathing, letting go of worries and distractions, and focusing on your body, you’ll experience increased consciousness.

With deeper practice, you can learn to be gentler with yourself, release negative thoughts about personal flaws or issues, feel less self-conscious or judgemental, worry less about what other people think about you, and learn to practice self-love and acceptance.

5. You May Experience Stress Relief

Releasing negative self-image, improving breathing, and increasing your fitness levels can do wonders to relieve stress.

By committing to practice yoga every day for 30 days, your body can release endorphins that help calm the brain, regulate your breathing, and help you find inner peace. Together, these factors can help reduce your stress levels and give you new tools to handle stress in your everyday life.



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