Lapid: I’d Take A Polygraph Test To Prove I Don’t Hate Chareidim

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This morning, Yesh Atid chairman Yair Lapid strongly denied claims that his efforts to require core curriculum courses in chareidi schools were rooted in a sense of hate towards the chareidi sector.

In an interview with Kol Chai radio, reported on by Arutz-7, he said, “Bring a polygraph here to the radio studio and conduct a test to see if I hate chareidim or not. I don’t hate any Jew in the entire world. Not everyone who disagrees with them hates them. But make sure to bring [UTJ MK Yaakov] Litzman for a polygraph test as well.”

David Steger – Israel


  1. I don’t believe that he hates, but he likes his way of life and wants to give (maybe even forcefully ) that way of life to others, especially those who he deems need it most.

  2. What an arrogant yuck !He’s not in the government so why is this pathetic guy always in the news?So it’s nice to know that it’s only Judaism and Torah he hates but not actually Jews?


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