Trump to Time: ‘I Had a Bad Experience With Bibi’

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Donald Trump attributed the Hamas attack on Israelis on October 7 to Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu, although he expressed skepticism about the feasibility of a two-state solution, stating that says that he thinks it will be “very, very tough.”

In an interview with TIME magazine, Trump asserted his backing for Israel in the event of a conflict with Iran, stating unequivocally, “If they attack Israel, yes, we would be there.”

He added that he now believes Israel’s skepticism regarding the viability of a Palestinian state is on target: “There was a time when I thought two-state could work. Now I think two-state is going to be very, very tough.”

However, Trump also thinks that Israel should get the war “over with,” and refused to rule out withholding military aid to Israel. Blaming the October 7 massacre on Netanyahu, Trump explained simply, “It happened on his watch.”

Trump also told TIME, “I had a bad experience with Bibi,” explaining that the 2020 operation to eliminate Qassem Soleimani was supposed to be a joint operation, but Netanyahu backed out at the last moment. “That was something I never forgot.”



  1. the 2020 operation to eliminate Qassem Soleimani was supposed to be a joint operation, but Netanyahu backed out at the last moment

    Netanyahu would had to have been crazy to join the joint effort. The Iranian response would have been exclusively focused on Israel with a disasterouss result R’L. For the sake of what?

  2. Comment #1, You hit the nail on the head. The only problem is that Trump’s ego can’t ever accept any opinion other than Trump’s. He did some great things as president but his likelihood of another successful presidency, with all his baggage and even more bold attitude, is not likely. He is definitely the better the two current choices though.
    Just curious why America, with 330,000,000 people – are these two the best there is? So strange!

      • RFK is a die hard climate cultist who would continue down the path to ruin with “green” nonsense. He would arrest climate deniers.

        • Keep spreading lies about him and see where it gets you. You clearly know nothing about him and his policies. You’re just puppeting what you heard from your fellow ignorant friends. Shoyta.

  3. Yermy
    Of course there is another choice, but why don’t our people know about it? Robert Kennedy Jr. is slowly but surely sweeping the country. The mainstream media can no longer ignore him. Anyone who stops to listen and comprehend what this brilliant man is saying automatically turns over to vote for him.
    RFK is the only light which can restore the American way.

  4. one thing Trump is right about” Bibi is where the buck stops. the surprise attack never should have occurred.

  5. To President Trump: Jews who are awake and alive are wondering why you are lying or trolling? You know very well that Bibi Netanyahu was replaced several years ago with an Arab-Bibi-Facemask who was behind the Oct 7 attack.

  6. Bibi foolishly stabbed trump in the back by being the first world leader to congratulate Biden on his victory while trump was still contesting the election. Trump is still furious at him and rightly so.

    If Trump wins ( hopefully he will) Bibi should step down for the good of Israel.


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