Israeli Girl Eats For First Time at Age 5

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Dinush Rivkin of Kiryat Malachi suffered from a congenital birth defect called esophageal atresia, which causes the esophagus to end in the lungs rather than connecting normally to the stomach.

After successful corrective surgery in Boston, she recently ate birthday cake for the first time at a celebration of her fifth birthday back in her hometown. Her distress touched so many hearts that a million shekels of the 1.5 million shekel cost of the operation was collected within one day.

“It is a very exciting day for us to see Dinush celebrating a birthday and eating cake,” her mother said emotionally. “I also want to say thank you to all the Jewish people who supported us all the way.”

{ Israel}


  1. what a heartwarming story! mi ke’amcha yisroel! looks like such a beautiful family. i don’t know them at all, but that doesn’t matter. we still wish them all the best and a refua shleima to Dinush.

  2. Beautiful story.
    Have a grandchild on s feeding tube for 12 yrs. Never tasted food in his mouth.
    May they all have a REFUAH SHELEIMA BIMHEIRA.


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