Polls Open for New Jersey’s Primary Election

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lakewood-vaad-endorsement-smallPolls have opened today for New Jersey’s primary election where a crime-busting former U.S. Attorney and a conservative former North Jersey mayor are seeking the Republican nomination for governor. Chris Christie has voted in Mendham Township. His opponent, Steve Lonegan, plans to vote later in the day. GOP Assemblyman Rick Merkt has trailed both in polls. Gov. Jon S. Corzine faces token opposition in the Democratic primary. Vice President Joe Biden plans to join Corzine to formally launch his re-election bid after the polls close at 8 p.m.

There are also mayoral primaries in Camden, Atlantic City and Edison and several contested state Assembly races.

In the Lakewood area, Avi Solomon is running against Assemblyman Ronald Dancer and Assemblyman Joseph Malone for the General Assembly of the 30th District. The Lakewood Vaad endorsements can be sent below:











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  1. I voted for Avi Solomon, even though he is just a kid, because the vaad makes me mad.

    They wrote in their letter, explaining why they endorsed Malone and Dancer: “We note that the financial challenges facing Lakewood’s taxpayers and families are great – we are furtunate to have experienced talented and caring individuals in the County and Statehouse who are up to the task and ready, willing and able to help support Lakewood through this [sic] tougher time.

    Oh, really? If they are so talented and able, then why are our taxes consistently going up, year after year? It is time for some new blood to join; someone who had not been tainted by the politics as usual, someone who is actually running on a platform of lowering taxes.

    Is Avi Solomon capable of fighting for us? Perhaps. But I sure as pie know that he will try. And that means something to me.

  2. Based on the VAAD endorsements, since they made no check on the Governor’s slate, as they are supporting the Democrat Jon Corzine, feel free to vote for Steve Lonegan for Governor. He is a true conservative Republican.

  3. To “Think Straight”:
    You ask why “if they (Malone and Dancer) are so capable, then why are our taxes going up, year after year?” I don’t necessarily believe that the Vaad or Malone/Dancer are perfect, but your question is ridiculous. The Democrats ran held NJ’s governorship and a comfortable majority in the Assembly and Senate since 2002. These were the years that the state of our taxes and economy got out of control. They could have fought for all the right bills and always voted the right way, and their policies and phlosophy would have been null and void since sensible policies are always struck down by Dems.

    Out of power Assemblymen have very limited power; they can only deliver district funding and sometimes mildly negotiate some budget details if they’re lucky. The bulk of state policy is out of their control. Before you rant, maybe check up their voting records and their sponsored bills to see whether they were misguided. Maybe they are, maybe they aren’t, but you didn’t provide any basis beyond simple “hock.”

    It is the simole truth that Malone and Dancer are virtual shoo-ins for the general election. Avi Solomon, who I’m sure is a nice guy with good intentions, would face a steep climb outside Lakewood. If you want another Democrat in the Assembly, then your vote was brilliant.

  4. Ask Solomon what he feels about the Abbot District decision. See if you’ll still vote for him. the conservative talk show hosts didn’t discuss it.

  5. Lakewood Voter, unfortunately you are correct.
    NJ is a BLUE State(it voted for Ford in 1976 but since Bush Father in 1988, it votes for Degenerates–“jewish” woman from Bergen introduced toeiva “marriage”)


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