A Note

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chareidi-boys-bochurimIn response to correspondence from readers regarding the arrests of members of the chareidi community in Yerushalayim, it is much to our dismay that chareidi media outlets, in Israel and abroad, have unabashedly reported the incident, with names and photos, ignoring any halachic restrictions whatsoever. As per the direction of our rabbonim, we will not be reporting on the incident. We urge others in the chareidi media to display vigilance and self control.

{Matzav.com Newscenter}


  1. we are sure there are people cursing you oiut. but don’t be nispoel. you are doing the right thing.
    you don’t have to post this comment.
    i just wanted to give you chizuk.

  2. Thank you.
    Well Appreciated.

    It would be a precedent to continue this procedure when it applies to other Rabbonim, kehilla members and chasuva individuals in other Torah groups also.

  3. I don’t usually comment, but I felt a need to tell you Kol Hakavod! and Baruch Hashem there are still Jews that follow Daas Torah!

  4. I was always curious. Tell me, how does the Koolaid taste? How does it feel to be one of the signs of Moshiach (not one of the better ones)?

  5. ?? ????? I am very impressed it is so tempting to wanna comment on the situation. but you guys are sticking to das torah, it must be a challenge, but just know that we are all proud. It is a commendable act

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