After 57 Years, Coffee Bean To Give Up Their Kosher Certification

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The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf announced this week that starting on June 8th that they will no longer be a kosher establishment.

The decision comes as a shock to California residents for whom the Coffee Bean has been a kosher offering/destination for over 50 years.

The franchise explained that extensive consumer research had made it clear that customers are looking for a broader array of food options.

According to their website:

“As we weighed how best to meet the needs of a majority of our Guests, we came to the decision to end our storewide kosher-only status and broaden our product offers. As a result, we will be moving to non-kosher bakery and begin serving a new array of food options Monday, June 8, 2020. We are taking this difficult step based on insights from research conducted across the entirety of our customer base and to help us remain a leading coffee and tea retailer in the face of heightened industry competition.”

“While our stores and bakery items will no longer be kosher certified, we will continue to offer a wide assortment of products made from kosher ingredients. Our packaged coffees, teas and powders remain certified kosher through Kosher Supervision of America (KSA) and our behind-the-bar beverages will continue to be crafted using kosher ingredients. We will also offer a variety of kosher certified Cold Case and Impulse options for our Guests.”



  1. Oh well. I was never in LA and I was never zoche to try their coffee. Will I be held accountable after 120?

  2. “………we will continue to offer a wide assortment of products made from kosher ingredients.”
    TREIF VEE CHAZER!!!!!!!!!

    It’s like eating a “Kosher” tuna sandwich at Denny’s, IHOP or Sambo’s. 100% Treif!!! FEH!!!

    • So Commish: If I go into a non-kosher establishment and ask for a can of tuna and a whole tomato, they open the can in front of me and put it onto a paper plate, would you still say it is treif?

      • Anonymous: Is that how you understood their statement?? They are clearly attempting to imply that kosher consumers could eat their processed products since they use kosher ingredients. Of what benefit is their kosher ingredients if their keilim are non-kosher!

  3. many years ago Jews when into Howard Jonson for the ice cream i guess in paper plates (i was considered ok no Chof K no Kosher:)

  4. There is a Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf cafe in Yerushalaim on Yaffo, corner Helen Hamalcha. It is under Rabanut Yerushalaim. Is that one also going to be affected?


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