After Partying Maskless, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Tests Positive For COVID-19

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New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has tested positive for COVID-19 and is recovering at home – just over a week since she was spotted partying without a mask in Florida, her office said on Sunday, the NY Post reports.

“Representative Ocasio-Cortez has received a positive test result for COVID-19. She is experiencing symptoms and recovering at home,” the statement said. “The Congresswoman received her booster shot this fall, and encourages everyone to get their booster and follow all CDC guidance.”

The lefty Dem’s positive test result comes just over a week after she was spotted maskless enjoying drinks while on vacation in Miami as omicron cases soared across the nation. Read more at the NY Post.



    • Wait a minute. This doesn’t fit the narrative put out by the DNC controlled white house. Only evil white racist Republican Trump supporters ever get Covid. Only anti-vax talk show hosts get Covid. Democrat minority female “victims” don’t get Covid. This report is clearly fake news.

  1. A friend of mine recently told me that he tested negative for the virus.
    “Are you sure about that,” I asked him.
    “I’m positive,” he replied.

  2. It wasn’t simple “partying” that the dumb and uneducated barftender engaged in. She, along with her brilliant friend, attended a drag bash, with the lowest and abominable members of society. Feh!
    I don’t normally gloat at someone’s misfortune, and certainly don’t wish illness on others. However, she really deserves this one, in full measure.

  3. This is childish! In fact, it’s more childish than AOC is. We all know that she was not “partying”, just relaxing in sunny Florida. The fact that she wore no mask is meaningless, since (wisely) no one requires masks in Florida. And she most definitely didn’t get COVID because she was maskless, since anyone with a brain (perhaps not including AOC lol) knows that masks are irrelevant to the virus. So stop the childish headlines, and certainly don’t gloat over her contracting a likely mild sickness.

    Now I’m not an AOC fan or supporter by any means, but we need to grow up, and let children play child games. It’s undignified, at the very least, to diss her this way.

  4. I’m so curious how she will continue to justify the need to vax, and mandate the vax. If she was boosted and still got COVID with symptoms it seems pretty obvious that it didnt work.
    She’ll say, “oh, but it COULD HAVE BEEN much worse!!!!”

  5. > H M

    First, what do you mean by:
    > she was not “partying”,
    The post above yours by “Marc ” is correct. In fact, the pictures are out showing her hugging and dancing face to face maskless with shoulder-to-shoulder maskless crowds around clapping and singing aloud almost like a jamboree. So leaving aside the question of masks, distancing really is a significant factor.

    More to the point, this is about the question of her own hypocrisy and that, using own own version of what constitutes medical reality according to her own ideology that she tries to impose on others, her actions constitute mass murder according to her own ideology.

  6. What does being maskless have to do with covid? Actually, many sheeple who wore masks for a long time, were hospitalized from hypoxia or hypercapnia due to breathing in too much exhaled carbon dioxide, aka as – guess what? – you got it! Covid-19.


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