Aish Hatorah Student Raises $130,000 in 24 Hours for Terror Victim Family

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yosef bornsteinAn Aish Yeshivah student raised $130,000 in 24 hours for the family of Rabbi Reuven Biermacher Hy”d, the 45-year-old father of seven who taught at Aish and was murdered in a terror attack at Shaar Yaffo in Yerushalayim last week.

Yosef Bornstein, chairman of Cause Match, an online crowdfunding platform, wanted to help the large family left behind in distress, Ynet reported. He understood that during a terror wave, in which one attack is quickly followed by another, time is of the essence, and that he had to act while the name of the victim was still fresh in people’s minds.

“Within hours we put up the campaign page, the Aish community and families started to share the campaign page all over the world,” Bornstein recounted to Ynet.

REUVEN BIERMACHERYosef explained that each dollar that is donated is doubled, tripled and quadrupled by matching donors.

“From the first hour that we put the campaign out there we started to see contributions coming in from all over the world. And in the first 24 hours we were getting pretty much a contribution every single minute, with donations coming in from Taiwan, Europe, Mexico and of course North America and Israel, the whole Aish family and Jews all over the world,” he added.

Yosef stressed to Ynet how badly the family needed assistance: “The need, as I understand it, is great. Rabbi Biermacher was the breadwinner. Working as a rebbi, he didn’t make so much money to begin with. And he has a family of seven children ranging from two to eighteen years of age. Now the family is left without their breadwinner. It’s a very large family to support, there are weddings, children to raise, it’s a whole life that needs to be supported for this large family.”

Bornstein’s ultimate goal is to reach a million dollars in aid for the Biermachers.

{ Israel News Bureau}


  1. Tizku L’Mitzvos! May the z’chus of this great Mitzvah be M’acheid Klal Yisroel and help bring Moshiach Tzidkeinu Bimheira B’Yomeinu. Hope to participate I”H. And may Hashem wipe off the tears of all the faces in Klal Yisroel.

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