Arab Israeli MK Tells Knesset that Jews Are Enemies of Peace’

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israeli-arab-mk-jamal-zahalkaArab Israeli MK Jamal Zahalka (Balad) declared during a government debate at the Knesset that Israeli Jews are an “enemy of peace.”

Zahalka aimed the remark at government minister Yuval Steinitz during the debate on the referendum bill, which will ensure that every citizen of Israel will have a right to vote on whether to accept or reject any final status agreement with the Palestinian Authority. The Knesset approved the referendum bill on Wednesday night in its the first reading by a vote of 66 to 45, with no abstentions. The measure must still pass two more readings in the Knesset before it becomes law.

During the discussion, Zahalka told Steinitz, “You’re an enemy of peace. We were here before you, and we’ll be here after you.”

Read more at Arutz Sheva.

{ Israel}


  1. Ket zahalka show proof to his statement that the arabs were in the land of israel before the jews that’s the thing its all talk they are just jealous how built up eretz yisroel is in such a short time period what did the arabs do when they got gush katif the destroyed everything all the beautiful shuls houses and plantations what is that area looking like now? Shambles chas vshalom they should never get even one more inch of eretz yisroel chas vshalom

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