Baltimore Begins Reopening Minyanim Outdoors

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  1. The headline is misleading. They are beginning to do what most other communities have been doing for at least a month already.

  2. The virus hit Maryland in force well after it hit the NY/NJ area and therefore the numbers only began to fall just recently. This particular letter only applies to the yeshiva campus residents.

  3. Dolar short, day late. We don’t need permission to follow halacha. I have been participating in a strictly-safe backyard minyan where all mispalelim are 13 feet apart and bring their own sidurim, even though the establishment has been screaming “carpet bombing verboten”, and I am proud of my participation, have nothing to hide, and don’t obey a bunch of apikorsim who decided to make “gezeiros” at the expense of halacha. Try to physically stop me, and see what happens to your teeth.

    • You don’t follow halacha, you follow you. Tfilla Btzibbur is a dirabannan, and pikuach nefesh is a dioraisa. Listening to the rabbanim is a pretty major part of halacha too, and yet you choose to ignore that for some reason known only to you. You ignore the rabbonim, and go on the internet to call them all sorts of names, which kind of hints to me that maybe your reasons are not totally lshem shomayim.

      • Dear 10:01pm, you are a complete am hooretz. Did you even read the arguments before replying with your gibberish?

  4. Actually this is an early draft which was not authorized for release yet. I anticipate the actual announcement will be more restrictive.

  5. This is the town that has traffic guards by hashanos! U can imagine what they will need for their outdoor minyan “policy’s”!!!

  6. Why are people so hateful? Like do you honestly care that much about minyanim that you feel the need to say lashon hara and mezalzel everyone else that wants to be cautious?
    You might think you’re so with it unlike people from x y z, but there’s only one gehenom and one gan eden, so if you hate look down on people so much, realize you’re either going to be in gehenom with them, or not really enjoying gan eden being with them either….

    • Dear 3:15 Hippie, how dare you stick Sinas Chinom on those that simply wanted to daven in safe backyard minyanim, without bothering anyone, without sacrificing an iota of caution, but were bullied by the establishment in very hateful ways?! You are the hateful one, my weed smoking friend….

  7. Wow…have you people learned anything from the past two months? I can’t believe the nasty comments. Most of us in Baltimore have followed the directives of our Vaad HaRabbonim. No, they are not neviim as we aren’t zocheh to have that now, but they are doing their best for us. You, who are so proud of attending your secret underground minyan should be ashamed of yourself. And, If you are so proud, why don’t you sign your real name? Wish you would so I’ll know not to be interested in shidduchim from your family. So sad that anyone should have such azus ponim after all this sickness and death surrounding us.

    • Dear Sarah sitting in her basement at 12:07am, don’t you worry. I wouldn’t want to make shiduchim with low IQ individuals such as you and presumably your family. Try to strain your brain and read the actual arguments before you reply.

      • Can you imagine the tanaaim and amoraim calling each other low iq etc when they disagreed…? The beis hamikdash was destroyed for sinas chinam, not bc anyone missed a minyan.
        (Not to mention a heavy feature of the churban was people thinking they knew better than the rabbanim…)

  8. BH, the Baltimore Community has been listening to their Rabbonim as the Torah Hakedosha instructs us to do.

    May the Rofeh Kol Baser rid the velt of this terrible Magefah Bekorav.

  9. This is in response to “tri state resident”, “goooood mouuuuurrrning” and anyone else who disparaged Baltimore’s chashuve rabbonim who are part of the vaad including R’ Heinemann shlita, R’ Hopfer shlita, R’ Heber shlita, R’ shuchatowitz shlita, R’ Eichenstein shlita and the twenty or thirty other Rabbanim.

    When you write things like “now THEY wake up” you are referring to these chashuve talmidei chachamim. How dare you speak about rabbonim this way?? Do you think in shamayim you can hide under your screen name? You have shamed our rabbonim publicly and the only way to be mechaper is to ask each member of the vaad for mechila. A statement such as “always late on the pick up” about our rabbonim! “long nap”?? huh?? If you even think for a moment our rabbanim were napping through minyan hoping they would never have to re-open you are an apikorus thinking this is who represents kavod shem shamayim. Sorry to have to be so blunt but klal yisroel has sunken to new lows !! This had to be said and must stop!!

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