Bennett Wants Chareidim In Coalition

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Israeli Prime Minister Naftoli Bennett reportedly wants the 16 chareidi MKs as part of his coalition to help him escape the dominance of Yair Lapid and Avigdor Lieberman, and has put out feelers for this purpose. Belz has shown the most interest, while others say it is unfeasible to join a government that supports the Reform movement and attacks Halacha.

Lieberman is dead set against having chareidim in the coalition, and Yesh Atid signed a deal with Lieberman before the elections to make no coalition changes without the sanction of both parties.

Meanwhile, as previously reported, half a year after the formation of the government, UTJ and Shas are setting up a joint headquarters to fight the government’s religious and housing policies on a unified front.

The headquarters will include a team to deal with the secular and general press.

It will also help coordinate a demonstration larger than the “million man” demonstration held in 2014 against the yeshiva draft law.

{ Israel}


  1. On 3/21/21, Israeli politician Naftali Bennett appeared on national Israeli television during the election campaign and stated “I won’t allow Yair Lapid to be prime minister, including in a rotation (agreement.)” and “I will not establish a government based on the support of Mansour Abbas from the Islamic Movement.” He signed a document affirming those words and held it up to the camera. In the first weeks of June of 2021, after the election, Bennett entered a rotation agreement with Lapid and established a government with the support of Mansour Abbas.


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