Biala Rebbe: Israeli Government Using COVID To Make You Forget Torah

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The Biala Rebbe slammed the Israeli government for their gezeiros shutting down schools and yeshivos, comparing their actions to those of the Yevonim in the times of the Chanukah nissim.

Speaking at the pidyon haben of his grandson, the Rebbe stressed the necessity of having a seder kavuah for learning gemarah, especially in these trying times.

In translated remarks, the Rebbe called out the government’s edicts. “We find ourselves just days before Chanukah, and just like the Yevonim, they (the Israeli government) have made laws to make you forget the Torah… They have no concern at all for [taking care of] the body, they care only for [destroying] the neshama. And like the Yevonim, their edicts apply more to batei knesios and batei medrashos than it does to their parties.”

The Rebbe noted with pride that his chasidim have continued their learning despite the hardships imposed on them.

{ Israel}


  1. You have this quote backwards: “They have no concern at all for the body, they care only for the neshama”. It should read just the opposite.


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