BIBI BLAMES: Netanyahu Says Chareidi Created Economic Burden in the Past

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Bibi blames the chareidim. 

Incoming prime minister Bibi Netanyahu said this month during an interview with Canadian media personality, psychologist and author Jordan Peterson that the chareidi community’s high birthrate, low employment rate and reliance on state welfare created a burden that contributed to an economic crisis Israel faced two decades ago, Times of Israel reports.

The interview, TOI notes, flew largely under the radar until Netanyahu tweeted about it.

Netanyahu explained that in 2002, Israel’s economy was in “crisis” for various reasons, including its “lavish welfare system.” “They didn’t work, they just had a lot of children, which the public sector had to pay for,” Netanyahu said of chareidim.

Outgoing Prime Minister Yair Lapid tweeted, “This time I agree with Netanyahu” and Finance Minister Avigdor Liberman, tweeted that Bibi is “telling the truth… for a change.”

{ Israel}


  1. There was an article written, I believe in the Israeli newspapers that shed some light on this and actually showed that the chareidi population whatever that means, was not dragging down the economy .

    I hope that with your journalistic abilities, you’re able to find it. My recollection is that it was somewhere around Chanuka time last year or the year before.


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