Biden Admin Tells Hospitals They Must Perform Abortions in Medical Emergencies

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In the wake of the Supreme Court’s ruling overturning Roe v. Wade, some doctors and hospitals are grappling with how to balance state-specific abortion bans with a federal law requiring they provide treatment to patients in medical emergencies. On Monday, the Biden administration sought to clarify such “confusion,” with federal health officials issuing guidance that said hospitals “must provide” abortions if a pregnant person requires it to medically stabilize. The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act, officials said, overrules state laws banning abortions.

Though officials hope that the updated guidelines, which do not include any new protections or laws, clarify the rules to doctors and hospitals, some still feel that they lack specificity. “It doesn’t clarify all that it needs to around what exists as an emergency and what is stabilizing treatment,” a George Washington University health policy and law professor told The Wall Street Journal. Read more at The Wall Street Journal.


  1. “must provide”

    Incorrect. If it’s against the law in that particular State, the President has no right to demand that they break the law. I know the Bidens are used to breaking the law to benefit themselves at the expense of others. The hospitals can be shut down for breaking the law and doing something illegal.

    • Why are politicians (albeit fake one here) meddling in the medical field; abortions, hoax injections, hoax virus?

  2. What if the mother rejects the abortion wants to give birth whatever the consequences may be to herself? Does this alleged Federal law override the mother’s will?

  3. Misleading headline.
    Read the article.
    Biden Admin “clarified!” that medical emergency abortion must be performed.
    No state ever banned them, and they shouldn’t.
    This is the halacha, too.
    Ofene mishne in Oholos – you must terminate the pregnancy to save the mother’s life!.

  4. I hope all frum jews agree with this one. There are those on the extreme right that would ban all abortions even if the mother’s life is in danger.

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