Biden Pledges Tuition-Free College For All

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In a tweet Wednesday, President-elect Joe Biden pledged to make community college tuition-free, while offering a similar benefit for students from families with working-class incomes or lower to attend state schools as well.

Biden wrote that a high school diploma is no longer enough for the occupational demands of the 21st Century.

“That’s why under the Biden-Harris plan, community college will be free — and public colleges and universities will be tuition-free for families earning less than $125,000 a year,” he tweeted.

Biden allies in Congress have for some time pressed for similar measures to be taken by the new administration.

Read more at Fox Business.



  1. That only after the wall is all built up! We simply won’t have enough tax payer dollars for both at the same time!
    Oh, one second! The wall construction of the ceased to continue so there will be enough of my tax dollars to pay for this dumb college idea.

  2. Easy. Sell the missile system. Cash up now.

    The curriculum vitae money. Housing free next. Park Avenue when we sell the military.

    Going to Mars yet? Free tuition. Gentrified nut farms. Fig up baby.

  3. In other words: public school through grade 16. Will cost a fortune, and the education will be brought to the lowest denominator – all designed for a certain group with an average IQ of 75, at a cost of 60k a year. All paid with money that the gubmit steals from the productive members of society.


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