Biochip Might Be Used to Detect COVID by Next Year

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An implantable biochip developed by the U.S. government-funded Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency that can detect COVID-19 might be available by 2021, according to a report.

The DARPA-created biochip is injectable into the human body and reportedly is able to change human DNA and could be used to detect a COVID-19 infection, per Mint Press News (MPN).

The nanochip can also be used to deploy an experimental vaccine, and both could be ready as soon as early next year. Profusa Inc. is funded by NIH and DARPA and, in March, announced the injectable biochip for the detection of viral respiratory diseases, including COVID-19.

Read more at NEWSMAX.



    • The covid baloneydemic will be magically over on November 4(or day after the whatever date the election numbers will be settled due to the cheat by mail) if the dimcretins win, but will go on for another 4 years if Trump gets reelected. Obviously, there were people niftar due to Corona, but the numbers don’t qualify as a mageifa; 94% of those diagnosed as corona fatalities had lethal preexisting conditions; a major chunk of fatalities were likely caused by the medical malpractice made possible by forbidding the family members from visiting and advocating for the patients; the herd immunity has been achieved in NY and NJ, and right now it is a pure violation of our individual constitutional rights by the socialist-fascists.

    • How in the world are there still idiots who think corona isn’t real? To paraphrase Rabbi Benny Fisher of Magen LaCholeh, show me o n e family that more than one person died of the flu. One. Many of the people who died of corona had preexisting medical conditions, but they died months or years earlier due to being infected with corona. If a cancer victim gets an infection due to his weakened immune system, some of which are unique to cancer patients, then he is considered having died from his cancer, earlier than the cancer itself would have taken him, but because he had cancer. If he died of a traffic accident, then no, he didn’t die of cancer. He died w i t h cancer. Ditto here. If not for corona, most of them would still be with us. And don’t forget the countless people who battled the illness for days and weeks and are still plagued with weakness and other long term damage, some which we don’t know about yet.

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