BLM Rails Against Biden Executive Order: ‘Policing’ Is a ‘White Supremacist Institution’ Rooted in ‘Slave Patrolling’

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Breitbart reports: The radical activist group Black Lives Matter railed against the “white supremacist” institution of “policing,” decrying its roots in “racism” and “slave patrolling,” while attacking politicians who support “our killers,” in a series of tweets Thursday following President Joe Biden’s signing of an executive order on policing reforms.

In the wake of the president’s signing an order intended to improve accountability in policing, the official Black Lives Matter (BLM) Twitter account, which has over one million followers, expressed outrage over the fact that policing continues.

“Maintaining a white supremacist institution like policing costs Black lives,” the group wrote. “This continued commitment by politicians to support our killers makes them accessories to our demise.”

In follow-up tweets, the recent policing reforms were deemed ineffective as the very institution of policing is described as inherently rooted in racism.

“Politicians have been protecting systems of policing as if it could magically abandon its roots of slave patrolling and anti-Black violence,” the tweet reads. “Banning choke holds and requiring body cameras doesn’t keep us safe. More money for ‘training’ doesn’t keep us safe.”

According to the organization, Biden’s executive order “willfully ignores the inherently racist origins of policing & advances the same ideas over and over again as if somehow it will magically make old, outdated approaches work.”

“Halfway measures will not save our people from white supremacy and state violence,” it wrote.


  1. Policing didn’t start in America so the claim it has racist origins is baloney

    Any civilization that wants to survive has to have some form order and people to enforce it.

    On the other hand it is not surprising that BLM is so whemently against it. It interferes with their rioting and in spite of their name they don’t care about Black Lives or any others.

  2. Black Lives Matter is a noble name which happens to be owned by a hateful, hate-filled, pro-violence, anti-white, antisemitic, anarchist organization.

  3. Imagine if all of these couch potatoes with $$$ dripping from their entitled hands were to spend time in their “home” land. Dead they would all be, and it would be at the hands of the police. Ask Haitians about the Ton Ton Macoute. Ask Cubans about Castro and Guevarra. If not for the media-crity and the sloth of liberals.

  4. That’s okay. You can completely censor my fact filled comment. It shows the level of maturity the editors of Matzav have. For shame.

  5. BLM is right! Remove all police from Black neighborhoods and all discrimination against Blacks will disappear as all the Black will be killed off by their own people. If you don’t believe me, ask Eric Adams, the mayor of NYC.

  6. With the exception of Baltimore, there are no major police departments today that were started in a time and place where slavery was still legal. And the Baltimore police were clearly organized to control white European immigrants not Black people (most of whom in Baltimore were not enslaved). So the entire BLM meme is false.

    Biden is hated just as much by the nutty far left as by the nutty far right. Which means he is probably doing the right stuff.


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