This week, the talmidim of Yeshiva Torah B’tifarta in Elad discovered, to their chagrin, that there was no cellular reception in their yeshiva.
The fact that boys enter the bais midrash with their cell phones apparently caused a breach in the yeshiva that aroused someone associated with the yeshiva, who installed a cellular reception jammer that prevents usage of phone on premises.
The young men entered the yeshiva this week to discover that there is no reception in the yeshiva for any phone from any cellular company.
The yeshiva mashgichim were consulted, and they stated that they had no part in the installation of the device.
The same day, the talmidim conducted an extensive search in the yeshiva in order to find the jammer. Finally, the device was found, hidden amidst electric wires. The bochurim disassembled the device in no time.
It is still unknown who was behind the installation of the device.
{Matzav.com Israel}
So what would would’ve happened had there been a Hatzalah call needed, that couldn’t be called , and even if Hatzalah arrived they too would’ve had problems communicating with others!
They go outside and make the call. How far is the outside door?
The same thing that happens when you need to call hatzolah on shabbos. They would’ve used land line.
Radios work on different frequencies than cellular phones, so emergency services communications should be fine.
While the newsworthiness of this may be questionable, the aghast reaction is likely too.
It was installed during bein hazmanim.
As a result the level of learning has increased 24.68%.
The Yeshivaleit are a Magen for klall Yisroel.
By 2026 this will be the norm.
The davening matrix too is off the chart.
A serious ehliche bachur does NOT need a cellphone! For anyone to bring in a klei mashchis into a makom kodesh like a Bais haknesses or Bais Medrash is a avaira chamura! If you can’t control your addiction to one and must bring a phone into a Shul, at least have the decency to shut off the thing! Enough already. Yesh din viyesh dayan.
Relax man! Nothing wrong with s cell phone . It’s a tool. It could be used properly or improperly. That’s up to the user . The user is the “klei mashchis “