BORING BIDEN: Trump’s Parting Speech Beats Biden’s Inaugural In YouTube Views At Both ABC And CBS

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The number of people viewing Trump’s final speech as president far overshadowed Joe Biden’s inaugural address in online viewers among some of the establishment media outlets like ABC News and CBS News.

An apples-to-apples comparison of YouTube videos of Trump’s remarks at Joint Base Andrews on Wednesday morning versus Biden’s shows the difference.

As of this writing, ABC’s coverage of the 45th president’s speech garnered over 265,000 views, while for Biden just over 73,000 clicked in.

The same was true for CBS, where over 231,000 watched Trump’s remarks versus 50,000 for Biden.

ABC and CBS are not exactly pro-Trump outlets.

Read more at Western Journal.



    • Not 80 million and very few went out to vote for him. Most of his voters went no farther than the mailbox and they did it multiple times.

  1. Uncle Joe is a washed up old prune who belongs in his special chair at the matinee Wednesday free give away lunch at the dog track. Lane #3 should be a good bet.

  2. It makes sense . Everyone knew that Biden was going to give the same glib meaningless inauguration speeches that all presidents give. So why tune in? What Trump was going to say was more of a mystery. Hence more interest in it.

    Also Trump has way more passionate supporters and enemies than Biden. Both groups want to hear from, albeit for the opposite reasons.

  3. Well now that he’s president the MSM and big tech don’t need to inflate their viewership numbers to make it look like people are interested in him…

    • Well yes. The msm have started asking the tough investigative questions, like, Dr. Jill, “what color carpet are you going to have installed in the master bedroom”? “Is maroon really your favorite color”? “Is Joe okay with that”?

  4. The official “White House” YouTube channel switched Joe Biden’s inauguration video from “public” to “unlisted” after it received overwhelming negative reaction.
    At the time of writing this article, the video has over 15,000 dislikes as opposed to only 3k likes.
    At the moment, the video is still up there, even if they tried to keep people from seeing it (and voting on it) by unlisting it and commenting.

  5. Many were watching the inauguration yesterday hoping to view how the military marches in and arrests them all. Oh well, the time was not ready for this excitement yet. They’re giving Biden’s people a few more moments to enjoy their illegal president and illegal government.

  6. Interesting. No election fraud means Biden was more popular even before the assault on the capitol, so how did Trump become so popular. All those views must be from Trump haters looking for something else to criticize. Or maybe there it’s viewer fraud and it’s being done by the Trump cult.


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