Boruch Dayan Emes: Body of Mordy Gelfand z”l Found

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It is with great sadness that reports the petirah of Mordy Gelfand z”l of Jackson, NJ. He was 33.

Mordy had traveled to New Orleans in January on business and went missing.

A wide-ranging search was undertaken, with amazing dedication by a group of volunteers and organizations, but the search came up empty, until today. After over two months, Mordy’s body has been found.

Mordy had a tremendous lev tov and was beloved by everyone who knew him.

May his neshomah have an aliyah.

The niftar is being flown to New Jersey and a levayah will be held tomorrow, Tuesday, at 10:30 a.m., at the Congregation Sons of Israel Holocaust Memorial Chapel, located at 613 Ramsey Street, in Lakewood, NJ, followed by kevurah on Long Island, NY.

Mordy is survived by his wife, Mrs. Devorah Gelfand, his parents, R’ Yaakov and Mrs. Shirah Gelfand, his siblings, his children, and many grieving friends and acquaintances.

Umacha Hashem dimah me’al kol ponim.



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