Christian Missionary Group to Try to Convert Jews in New York

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A Christian missionary group is recruiting evangelists to target “our beloved Jewish people” in New York with the “good news” of Yoshka, reports. Chosen People Ministries is advertising the upcoming trip for trainee missionaries as “Shalom New York.” The group says its mission is to “pray for, evangelise, disciple, and serve Jewish people everywhere.”

Its promotional material says: “Believers from all over the United States will gather in New York City to proclaim the good news of [Yoshka] to our beloved Jewish people. If you love to share your faith in [Yoshka], care about the well-being of the Jewish people, and want to honour the Lord by making His priority your priority, we would love to team up with you this summer on the streets of New York City.”

A promotional video for the trip shows footage of Orthodox Jews in New York and an evangelist saying the trip is “an opportunity to reach the Jewish people”, explaining: “In the whole United States, the majority of Jewish people are in Brooklyn. So what better place to come and reach them with the gospel, the good news, of [Yoshka].” adds that Rabbi Tovia Singer of Outreach Judaism — an organization that aims to bring Jews back to Judaism — described the evangelical work of messianic groups as “relentless.” He described their method as “a blurring of distinctions between Judaism and Christianity in order to lure Jews, who would otherwise resist a straightforward Christian message.”



  1. They will probably target Russian and Ukrainian immigrants. They’ll offer some free food and household items and try to snatch them that way. But it’s really a joke. This whole missionary thing is fake. There are no “Frum” goyim in the Liberal States such as New York. Their whole religion is watered down and they themselves don’t believe in anything other than PC woke garbage like equal rights for transgenders and other such deviants.

  2. It is impossible to convert a Jew from Judaism. Once a Yid always a Yid. A Diamond is a Diamond is a Diamond. Perhaps a dirty stone that needs polishing, but nonetheless a Diamond.

  3. Let’s see, who can pull away more young boys from Yiddishkeit. A Yeshiva that rejects any Non-Genius Bochur, while accepting all his good friends; Or these silly missionaries?

  4. It’s about time that we were more proactive towards these parasites.

    When I was approached once by one of these senseless deluded individuals who outright asked me why Jews do not accept Christianity I answered that is because Jews have a hereditary abhorrence of idolatry and Christianity IS idolatry.

    He seemed surprised at my answer; he had never heard this before.

    He should have.

    I then had to be specific and explain to him that Christians and Jews do NOT worship the same God.
    We Jews worship the eternal incorporeal God of Abraham.

    Christians worship the image of a dead and tortured Jew hanging on a piece of wood.
    Protestants have a mental image. (He actually had to agree that a mental image is an image!)
    No similarity between the two.

    Christians and Jews have nothing in common. Yes, we have a long historical relationship. But that has always been between [Christian] murderers and [Jewish] victims.

    When we meet professing Christians it is our duty to point out to them that they are Idol worshipers; constantly breaking the first two commandments.

    We should also explain to them that the covenant of Noah is still binding and that they are obligated to keep the seven Noahide commandments.

    I also sometimes explain to them that the TANACH is ours and could they please keep their impure hands and distorted minds away from it. Their supercilious arrogance and unbounded conceit in pretending to know our Bible better than we ourselves do is simply revolting.

    We should take the initiative and missionize them; not wait for them to come to us!


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