Britain: Ukraine’s Air Defenses Have Wrecked Russia’s Invasion Plans

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Russia’s assault of Ukraine has been severely hampered by the effectiveness of Ukrainian air defenses against Russian planes, according to the British government. Britain’s defense ministry posts an intelligence update on social media each day to share what it’s seen and heard from the war and its latest post included some encouraging claims for Ukraine.

“Ukrainian air defences appear to have enjoyed considerable success against Russia’s modern combat aircraft, probably preventing them achieving any degree of control of the air,” the briefing read. In more bad news for Vladimir Putin’s forces, the post said: “Fighting northwest of Kyiv remains ongoing with Russian forces failing to make any significant breakthroughs.” Read more..



    • Actually, I believe they’re going to Germany when they’re done with the cleansing in Ukraine. The UK was cleaned up already. Trump’s military did most of it in the world.


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