BRUTAL: A Quarter Pita, Cheese, and Olives – Hostages’ Families Give Mishloach Manos to MKs

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The families of the hostages held in Gaza by Hamas made their way to the Knesset on Wednesday, bearing 120 mishloach manos, adorned with yellow ribbons, which they distributed among Knesset members.

Departing from the usual Purim custom of sweet treats, these mishloach manos contained a modest provision of a quarter pita, a spoonful of cheese, and two olives—symbolic of the minimal sustenance provided to the hostages during their 166 days of captivity.

The families expressed that their Purim celebrations would remain incomplete until their loved ones are safely returned.

Numerous MKs graciously accepted the mishloach manos and engaged in discussions with the families, listening to their individual narratives and empathizing with their plight.

However, organizers of the gesture observed that some MKs chose to disregard the families’ presence and the symbolic offerings they presented. They vowed that on their next visit to the Knesset, they would ensure the undivided attention of all 120 Knesset Members, emphasizing their shared responsibility in securing the release of the hostages.



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