BUMBLING BILL: De Blasio Seeking Forgiveness for Dissing Orthodox Jewish Community

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Always ready before an election, right?

Well, for former New York City mayor Bill de Blasio, that’s surely the case. De Blasio is running for a congressional seat in the newly created District 10.

This week, at a meeting with the Bobover kehillah in Boro Park, de Blasio was quick to apologize for an uncalled for tweet in 2020 berating Orthodox Jews for large gatherings held during the coronavirus pandemic. In the tweet, de Blasio lambasted “the Jewish community” for a packed levayah in Williamsburg and said that the NYPD had been told to “summons or even arrest those who gather in large groups.”

Now, de Blasio is begging for mechilah.

“It was a mistake and I shouldn’t have done it,” de Blasio said. “It was a moment of passion and pain … over what was happening in the city.”

He added, “We all went through a difficult time together. I had to make a lot of tough decisions. I’m sure every decision was not right.”

You can say that again.



  1. That silly comment was the least of DeBlasio’s transgressions. You fell for that distraction? Are you people that dumb and stupid?!

  2. Forgiveness granted. It actually wasn’t your fault! Between your chicanery, deceit and inability to govern, how could you be blamed! Forgiveness granted, now disappear! We can’t afford you in an elected position. You’re just not qualified.

    • While it’s true that he changed his name from Wilhelm to Deblasio, he never changed his ideology. He is an avowed communist who voluntarily went to fight in Columbia with the communist Sandoskies to overthrow their government.

      That’s the same guy now. Which explains his policies.

  3. Unfortunately, alot of Anti-Semitism was fueled by the anti Jewish rethoric of our past New York City mayor Bill DeBlasio and our past New York governor Andrew Coumo , when they blamed on the media in front of millions of people , that our Jewish communities are ignoring their Covid rules. While at the same time they were encouraging “Black Live Matters” protests, that were far more breaking the law. It is time for the Jewish community leaders to remind all voters, about the injustice, and the damage done, by the hate spewing words and actions, of these previously elected officials.

  4. Perhaps he should ask the entire city for forgiveness. Twenty years of competent, fiscally responsible, common-sense crimefighting governing that former mayors Giuliani implemented and Bloomberg continued were almost completely undone during the disastrous, incompetent, spendthrift, anti-cop eight years of de Blasio’s administration.
    Remember when NYC was the nation’s safest big city? When you didn’t have to worry about criminals while taking the subway? When cops were able to enforce the law, knowing the administration had their backs? Thank you, Mayor Bill, for the nostalgia tour of the bad old days.

  5. In case you haven’t noticed, we are by and large conservative and don’t care for your liberal ideology that has destroyed this once great country. Let me spell it out for you, “Just get lost!”

  6. Mr. De Blasio, how can I possibly forgive you, when you are chucking down french fries at the very same time that you are asking for forgiveness!
    I’m sorry, put down the french fries first, then we’ll talk.

  7. He added, “We all went through a difficult time together. I had to make a lot of tough decisions. I’m sure every decision was not right.”

    Finally found something I agree with him. “every decision was not right”.

  8. Only “Askunim” who would personally benefit from their relationship with him if he wins would endorse him.

    Anybody else who votes for him is a fool.

  9. Rahsha Merushah. Killed the real estate industry, killed the subways, killed education, brought in druggies and homeless mentally ill, puts jails and shelters in good communities, totally inept, should be banned from public life forever. Any Yid who votes for him is a ROdepph and ganav because he is only lining his pockets.

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