Buttigieg Releases $1B Plan To Address Mass Shooting ‘National Security Crisis’

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South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg released a plan to combat domestic terrorism on Monday that would invest $1 billion to combat and prevent extremism and radicalization in the U.S.

Buttigieg, who is running for president, would put more resources toward law enforcement, including increasing the FBI’s domestic counterterrorism field staff and training law enforcement about the connection between gender-based violence and domestic terrorism.

The plan would also devote more resources toward tracking hate groups across the U.S.

Read more at The Hill.



  1. Too bad it will not be his money but ours, all they have to do is say all riffles that have more than a certain amount of rounds are military equipment and can not be sold to civilians, and that cost nothing. Everyone loves to spend our money, if he believes in his plan he should write the first check to it.

  2. The mass shooting will stop as the mass arrests will start. I wonder if Buttigieg himself is not on the indictment list of 110,000+ elite and / or political criminals (worldwide).

  3. And radicalization is prohibited and the left gets to decide what is radical just like they decide what is called intent and when intent matters – if you are a republican you are automatically guilty if you are a democrat who takes a hammer and destroys a device that is under subpoena we can claim that there was no intent to commit a crime etc. I wonder if I could walk into a bank with a gun and ask for money and get off by claiming I did not intend to commit a crime ( I just needed some money and I needed a gun to convince the nice lady at the bank to hand it over)

  4. The plan includes racial sensitivity and gender sensitivity training.

    From now on, terrorists will be asked politely to please surrender using the correct pronouns. Also, all counter terrorism will be armed with water pistols as a first line of attack.

    Lastly, all terrorists are assured they can still vote after they are captured. If they are killed, they will be automatically registered to vote too.

  5. Yep. They still do not listen to jews. Jewish is jewish. Frankly the ethics just groat the public.

    Funny we are safe bet. Guns rest when men are civil. Turn it to religion, we think you can win.

    Not there yet.


  6. The plan would also devote more resources toward tracking hate groups across the U.S.

    But only if they are of the right color. Otherwise tracking them is islamophobia or racisim.

  7. Hey, wait a minute. What about climate change? What’s his plan for that? How many billions does he need for that plan?

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