Mega 25K Dollar Home Decor Raffle to Benefit Mekor Hachinuch

  Have you been pushing off that paint job that your house so desperately needs? Do you still have those paper window shades from when you...

Rabbi YY Jacobson: WATCH: One Giant Step for Arele DONATE NOW!! UPDATE We set out to give Arele sophisticated bionic limbs to take that first giant step with him toward recovery and independence.You responded by...


Shalom Torah Academy unites ALL Jews of ALL backgrounds from ALL walks of life within the ALL-encompassing light and warmth of Torah education, coupled...

This Shabbos in Flatbush- Music Star Baruch Levine!

Shabbos of Unity The entire Flatbush community is invited to join Yidden of all backgrounds for an incredible Shabbos of unity with Brooklyn Jewish Xperience...

Mass Screening In New York- Brought to You by Dor Yeshorim

Healthy Generations Start With Dor YeshorimCLICK HERE for Testing SitesLakewood, Boro Park, Williamsburg, MonseyDor Yeshorim is the premier organization for pre-marital testing and genetic...

​Tonight! Important Medical Awareness Event in Brooklyn

Leading Medical Experts will Address Women on Important Areas of Cancer Prevention and How to Detect Potentially Life-Threatening Circumstances The women of the community will...

This Kallah Might Never See Her Chosson Again

Shaindy Rabb is a 19 year old who lives with her family in Eretz Yisroel. Ever since she was a little girl, she dreamed...

The Empty Apartment

-Communicated- This week, Lizzy Peretz will celebrate her wedding. She will be more than thrilled with her simple, borrowed gown and modest discounted hall. She...

EIS LAASOS: For All Men in Klal Yisroel! $1000 Raffle To Support Limud HaTorah...

Join together with Klal Yisroel to strengthen Limud Hatorah in these trying times! RAFFLE FOR ALL MEN IN KLAL YISROEL Grand Prize $1,000 5 Runner-Up Drawings of...

Video: Harav Avrohom Pam – 10th Siyum Hashas

“Can one truly assess how much is gained from completing Daf Yomi?” HaRav Pam zt”l Leaves Us with Timeless Lesson When the Daf Yomi cycle of...

Tonight: Join from Home – PCS/FDU Master’s in Accounting Remote Open House

Learn about a stable and lucrative parnassah. With a 96% Placement Rate, PCS/Agudath Israel has relationships with hundreds of top tier firms, where over...

A Ticking Time Bomb

-Communicated- Leah isn’t just a teenage girl, she’s a ticking time bomb. Since being born with cerebral palsy, her health has steadily declined. Confined to a...

Shira’s Shidduch Story: “I felt old at 27”

-Communicated- (In honor of Yad L'Achim's Tu B'Av Together - Global Day of Tefillah for Shidduchim with over 500,000 people on Friday 7/27 @10am, we...

Oorah Auction 2019!

-Communicated- And… the Oorah Auction 2019 is here! In a world where everything is huge, huger, hugest, this year’s Auction prizes are bigger and better...

Changes are happening at The Sweetest Place on Earth!

This past season saw the transition of on-site kosher food offerings, as Hersheypark acquired the privately-owned Central Pa’s Kosher Mart after over 20 years...

Sheya Mendlowitz Presents: Remake of “Little Kite” Abie Rotenberg – Avrumy Kalter Music lovers worldwide know that when Sheya Mendlowitz s+pots talent, good things are coming their way. Recently, Sheya was introduced to new talent Avrumy...

LAST CHANCE! Jump into Pesachim for Pesach with All Daf

 Join for a chance to WIN! It's been a tough year. You know what you deserve? A free VIP trip for two to the Herzog...

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