President Abbas, Tell Your People To Stop Stabbing Us

By David Horovitz President Abbas, if you truly care about your people, you need to tell them to stop stabbing us. They’ve killed about a dozen...

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and the Death Penalty

By Jeff Jacoby According to a Washington Post-ABC poll released last week, 70 percent of Americans want Dzhokhar Tsarnaev put to death if he is...

Why is the EU So Confused About Hezbollah?

AFP reports that the European Union declines to consider Hezbollah as a terrorist organization: The European Union turned down a request on Tuesday by...

Gaza Escalation: What Other Country Would Tolerate This?

By Corey Feldman A soldier, who asked to remain anonymous due to army restrictions, sent the following op-ed to me, which I now pass on...

Is The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge A Model For Jewish Fundraising?

By Maayan Jaffe The hottest month of summer was ice cold, as thousands of people poured buckets of ice water over their heads to...

Rodef Shalom: Peace, Peace You Shall Pursue…

By Rabbi Eliyahu Safran    We live in a world of turmoil – political, geopolitical, spiritual.  Too often it seems that turmoil and strife are...

Analysis: Netanyahu Had No Choice But to Save Shalit

By Jonathan S. Tobin Max is right that the prisoner exchange Israel is about to conclude with Hamas is an enormous victory for terrorism and a...

Hashiveini Ve’ashuvah

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz In one of the Al Cheit confessions that we recite on Yom Kippur, we beg forgiveness "al cheit shechatanu lefonecha...

Responsible (Frum) Journalism

By Rabbi Moshe Meir Weiss Today, we are blessed with not one, but many Torah-based magazines.  The Jewish reader who wants to sit down and...

Rabbi Weisberg to APP: End Hateful Coverage of Frum Community

By Rabbi Moshe Zev Weisberg The March 30 Asbury Park Press editorial “A.G. must take close look at Lakewood” regarding Lakewood’s Orthodox community reeks of...

BBC Promotes Lie that Israel is Targeting Civilians in Gaza

By Hadar Sela The BBC News website's main article on the second day of Operation Protective Edge  - July 9th - underwent amendment numerous...

My Sin is before Me Always

By Rabbi Eliyahu Safran We live at a time when even the most "humble" amongst us seems to have a blog, or a Twitter account,...

Would Reagan Side With Dems On Debt Limit?

By Dana Milbank After he switched to the Republican Party in 1962, Ronald Reagan famously quipped: "I didn't leave the Democratic Party. The party left me." Now,...

The Doubting Mother: Do My Kids Measure Up?

By Gila Manolson As a parent, I'm fairly insecure. I'm convinced I lack any number of traits crucial to my children's spiritual development. (At...

Doctor By Day, Sukkah Savior By Night

By Maayan Jaffe In the office or the hospital right after morning minyan and working extended hours, radiation oncologist Jay Robinow has saved hundreds...

Why Is Israel Criticized for Helping Nepal Earthquake Victims?

By Steven A. Cook Last week, Israel took criticism for sending a contingent of doctors and search-and-rescue specialists to Nepal to participate in the earthquake...

Teach Them To Believe

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz This week’s parsha of Emor contains the various Yomim Tovim that we celebrate, as well as the obligation to count...

Rove: Strategies for the Stretch Run to Nov. 6

By Karl Rove This year's presidential election was transformed between the first debate's opening statements in Denver and the closing statements in Boca Raton....

Video: Frum Rabbi Gives TedX Talk On Purpose and Potential

Rabbi Raleigh Resnick gave a TedX Talk, analyzing the power of staying in the moment to solve problems. His analysis and storytelling abilities...

Feel the Pain

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz There is a war going on. Jews are getting killed. Stabbed. Murdered. Shot. Day after day, the numbers are adding up....

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