The Matzav Shmooze: Protests Do More Harm Than Good

Dear Editor, I was dismayed when I read reports and saw pictures on Matzav of the protests in Israel this week. Let me be clear...

The Matzav Shmoooze: Jackson Bans Basketball Hoops

Dear Matzav, Jackson N.J. is acting un- American. Recently there has been a couple of Eruvs placed in the ROW in Jackson, which some of...

Neglect at Bais Hachaim in NJ

Dear Editor, I passed by a Bais Hachaim, Grove Street in Newark, NJ, again this week and was disturbed to find that nothing has improved, on...

Chizuk from Rav Scheiner About Rav Bender

Dear Editor, I am writing this letter to recount a moving incident that I personally witnessed. I am confident that despite the many anecdotes...

The Matzav Shmoooze: Depictions of Obama

Dear Editor, amu"sh Like another recent ruach se'arah, the election has come and gone. Most of our kehillos were pro-Romney, and his loss is...

A Reader Writes: Jewish CDs Sell Well for Those Who Have Their Own Bands...

Dear Editor, I've been a fan of Jewish music for a long time and I have noticed which factors determine how well an album is...

To My Friend, Yisroel Levin z”l

Dearest Yisroel, My heart has broken into an unimaginable amount of pieces… and the infinite amount of tears I shed are not for no reason....

Readers’ Matzav: Mishloach Manos Gone Mad

Dear Editor, I am writing in regard to the 'mishloach manos syndrome,' the extravagance and pressure that has gotten out of hand. Priorities are misplaced,...

Readers’ Matzav: Mishloach Manos Gone Mad

Dear Editor, I am writing in regard to the 'mishloach manos syndrome,' the extravagance and pressure that has gotten out of hand. Priorities are misplaced,...

The Matzav Shmoooze: My Wife is Clueless in the Kitchen

Dear Editor, Thank you for allowing me to share this letter with your readers. I have been married almost 20 years, happily, boruch Hashem. My wife,...

The Matzav Shmoooze: Dear Tof Shin Ayin Alef

A letter to you, Dear Tof Shin Ayin Alef, Just yesterday we stood at your entrance without any ideas as to what your days would...

The Matzav Shmoooze: It’s Not The Postman’s Fault

Dear Editor, I mailed out chasunah invitations two weeks ago. Most people I sent them to did not get them. Truth be told, I bought the...

Missionaries in Flatbush Approaching and Preaching to Children

Dear Editor, On Friday, Erev Yom Tov, two individuals were found preaching Jews for J----- and giving out pamphlets with the same to children in Flatbush....

Readers’ Matzav: Confused About Lag Baomer

Dear Editor, There is something about Lag Ba'omer that I just cannot understand. I understand that we celebrate this special day for a number...

The Matzav Shmoooze: The New Shidduch Crisis – Divorce

Dear Editor@Matzav, All I hear about wherever I go is the shidduch crisis. Anyone remotely connected with the frum community – like all Matzav readers...

MATZAV INBOX: The Cell Phone Addiction

Dear [email protected], Thank you for the time and effort you put into publishing your excellenty news site. I am writing about silencing cell phones. There are times...

The Matzav Shmoooze: Remarkable Rabbeim

Dear Rabbi Yaakov Bender, Yeshiva Darchei Torah is a school renowned for its superior chinuch and warmth. No, we do not have children in the school...

Finding Light In The Dark: A Response To A Troubling Channuka

The recent spate of attacks on our brothers and sisters in America and throughout the world has affected us all on a very deep...

The Matzav Shmoooze: Kedushas Hasukkah – Have People Forgotten?

Dear Editor, Ah gutten moed to all of Klal Yisroel. Thank you Matzav for understanding the kedushah of a sukkah. Perhaps people may not realize that...

The Matzav Shmoooze: You Almost Ran My Family Over Today

Dear frum teenage girl, driving a minivan through the intersection of Bainbridge and Staunton at 1:15pm today,I know that life as a teenager is...

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