WATCH: Bike4Chai and Chai Lifeline thrive on the energy and generosity of our entire community,” said Rabbi Sruli Fried, MSW, director of Chai Lifeline NJ/PA and executive director...

Kupas Zichron Moshe Is 300 Families Short With Less Than 2 Weeks To Yom...

With less than 2 weeks to Yom Tov, our kupah has only reached half of what we need to provide all 700 families on...

Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin: “I Believe Each Family Should Give $500 To Agudah Emergency Ukraine...

With the backing of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, Agudath Israel of America has taken up the cause of the Jewish communities scattered throughout Ukraine, together with...

Eco Friendly Plates From Smarty Had A Party

It is often emphasized that the presentation of your plates is crucial to attract your guests towards the food. According to a research done...

Jewish Business Owners Face New Opportunity

Due to the devastating effects of the coronavirus on the economy, a historic new opportunity awaits small business owners of our community. An initiative...

Frum Kid Became Unrecognizable After This Happened

A 13-year-old boy made it to the news this month after her mother rallied to raise money to afford the treatments that doctors promised...

Help poor families celebrate Chanukah in dignity

Dear esteemed member of Klal Yisroel, Are you ready? In a few days, we’ll all light Menorah. Why at the window? We shine our light outwards, so others...

Jerusalem Estates Update from the Team Onsite

In these days of Bein Hametzarim when we mourn the destruction of Yerushalayim, we are gratified to share with you the progress of Jerusalem...

Baby Rivky Freidman is in Serious Danger of Succumbing to Throat Cancer

    We all daven and hope for our children to reach their milestonesRivky Freidman's parents too, eagerly anticipated each of her milestones - delighting in...

Behind The Scribble: Kollel Shomrei Hachomos’ Auction

Kollel Shomrei Hachomos is a support network of tzedakah founded over 160 years ago by the Chasam Sofer zatzal, Rabbi Moshe Sofer, who undertook...

Jerusalem Estates Uses Advanced Technology to Market Homes

In a groundbreaking marketing technique, Jerusalem’s most prestigious residential development Jerusalem Estates is using advanced video technology to bring its luxury complex and apartments...

A Kadosh Amongst Kedoshim

Rav Shmuel Tzvi Klagsbald zt”l was a unique oveid Hashem. At just 42 years old, he was known as one of the budding gaonim...

Heartbreaking: Frum Boy Gets Second-Degree Burns All Over His Body After Accident

A terrible accident happened to our two-year-old son שמעון in the bath tub. He accidentally turned the hot water knob, causing himself second-degree burns...

SMOKING HOT! Highest Ever Signup Bonus! Don’t Miss The Credit Card Deal Of The...

You can earn 100,000 points for opening a credit card via DansDeals and spending $4,000 in 3 months. Those points are worth a minimum...

URGENT WATCH: Rav Feinstein: JEWISH CREMATIONS MUST STOP! 500 Jewish Bodies And Counting!

The term “meis mitzvah” is one that evokes the purest, most genuine and heartfelt feelings among Jews. Many people might assume that it is a...

Jerusalem Estates 2021: The Year in Review

As we begin 2022, we’re pleased to share with you the details of our progress on all levels over the past year. Our residents...

Double CHANCES To Win A DREAM Shabbos Table!

Win A Dream Shabbos Table! CLICK HERE TO ENTER Set your Shabbos table regally, as befits the Shabbos Queen!! With Silverware worth $70,000!!!!!!!!! Plus, Receive Great Yeshuos!!! Health,...

Train For A Quality Job In The Sought-After Field of IT! – PCS...

PCS  IT Desktop & Network Support Course  Receive hands-on training in computer hardware and configuration, operating systems and software, network hardware and technologies, active directory,...

Powerful Video! Harav Yitzchok Kolodetsky and Rebbetzin Leah Kolodetsky Make an Extraordinary Declaration

In this video, Rav Kolodetsky and his Rebbetzin verify that a gadol in klal Yisrael, the son of a gadol, is in distress and...

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